lapps / vocabulary-pages

DSL files and templates used to generate the LAPPS WS-EV pages.
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Adding tagsets #55

Closed ksuderman closed 6 years ago

ksuderman commented 7 years ago

From @marcverhagen on March 16, 2017 21:23

We do not have discriminators for tagsets yet. Two ways to do this (both by editing discriminators.config).

One way is to keep it in house and add a postagset URI to the discriminators:

def meta = { "$it" }

postagset {
   uri meta('postagset')
   description "POS tagset used." }

brown_tagset { 
   uri meta('tagset#brown')
   description "The Brown tag set, see <SOME_URL>" }

This probably requires resolution of issue

The other way is to make the URI for the discriminator the external link:

def dkpro = { "$it" }

ptb_tagset {
   uri dkpro('tagset-en-ptb-pos')
   description 'Tag set used in the Penn Tree Bank'

Copied from original issue: lappsgrid-incubator/discriminator-dsl#6

ksuderman commented 7 years ago

I think I prefer the first method as it is consistent with what we have so far. However, the base URI for tag sets should be something like as is intended for media types.

def tagset = { "$it" }

'pos-tagset' {
    uri tagset('pos')
    description "Part-Of-Speech tag set used."
'brown-tagset' {
    uri tagset('pos#brown')
    description "See <some uri>"
'dkpro-tagset-en-ptb-pos' {
    uri tagset('pos#dkpro-en-ptb')
    description 'See'

The other tag set types would use etc.

marcverhagen commented 7 years ago

Yes, was a typo or me being daft. Question, do we have a namespace for meta data information? If so, then instead of we could use

The advantage is that there is a clear mapping of meta data properties in the vocab and the metadata content of a LIF object and a location in the discriminator section. The disadvantage is a conflict with the meta discriminator which points to (which really is

ksuderman commented 7 years ago

It is unfortunate about the name collision with the discriminator, but that shouldn't prevent us from using a URI like as a feature value.

Another alternative is to use a completely different namespace like (no /ns in the path).

marcverhagen commented 7 years ago

Yes, as long as there is no need for to point at the directory rather than the html file then we should be okay. I guess one option would be to have a special subdirectory of ns/ for things like meta, error, ok etcetera.

ksuderman commented 7 years ago

I think we agreed to forego the /ns/meta URL and use and etc. as the roots for tag set URLs.