This project contains the vocabulary definition (DSL) and templates used to generate the LAPPS Grid vocabulary website as well as Java code for the Discriminator and Vocabulary modules.
The latest versions of following programs should be available in the bin/
Vocabulary DSL
The vocabulary DSL is used to generate the web pages for vocabulary items as well as the Java class for the vocabulary Java API classes. The vocabulary DSL also generates the vocabulary.config file that is included by the discriminators.config file.
Discriminator DSL
The discriminator DSL is used to generated the discriminator web pages for the vocab site as will as the Discriminators Java class for the org.lappsgrid.discriminator
GitHub Commit
The GitHub Commit (ghc) program is a command line program used to commit files to a GitHub repository and create pull requests.
A Makefile is available to automate most of the tasks involved in generating a new vocabulary web site and related Java classes. To generate everything simply run:
make all
This uses the Vocabulary DSL and the Discriminator DSL and runs them on two user-generated files: lapps.vocabulary
which has the annotation types for the LAPPS vocabulary and lapps.discriminators
which has the discriminators.
There is a goal to upload the HTML files to the site, but the goal is not portable and must be tailored for each person deploying to the server. In particular, the person deploying the site must have write permission for the appropriate directories.
There is also a goal to copy the generated Java files to the vocabulary and discriminator projects. But these are also not portable and must be specially tailored for each person.
Please see the LAPPS Grid Wiki for more information.