laravel-enso / people

Person management dependency for Laravel Enso
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Binding custom person form has errors and won't let me create or edit anymore after update #22

Closed curtisdelicata closed 4 years ago

curtisdelicata commented 4 years ago

production.ERROR: Argument 1 passed to LaravelEnso\People\Http\Controllers\Create::invoke() must be an instance of LaravelEnso\People\Forms\Builders\PersonForm, instance of App\Forms\Builders\PersonForm given {"userId":2,"exception":"[object] (TypeError(code: 0): Argument 1 passed to LaravelEnso\People\Http\Controllers\Create::invoke() must be an instance of LaravelEnso\People\Forms\Builders\PersonForm, instance of App\Forms\Builders\PersonForm given at /home/genealogia/public_html/vendor/laravel-enso/people/src/Http/Controllers/Create.php:10)

I am binding and it worked before. The only difference is I'm trying to manually add multi tenancy code to the table builder and forms as overwriting the route didn't work for me, unless I did that wrong?

aocneanu commented 4 years ago

You probably forgot you extend the person-form from the package.

curtisdelicata commented 4 years ago

Can you explain what I did wrong? PersonForm doesn't extend it has just been binded as per docs? Does it need to extend too?

curtisdelicata commented 4 years ago

Changed to class PersonForm extends \LaravelEnso\People\Forms\Builders\PersonForm and still has error.

curtisdelicata commented 4 years ago

Oh, now it says about being compatible.

curtisdelicata commented 4 years ago

production.ERROR: Declaration of App\Forms\Builders\PersonForm::edit(App\Person $person) should be compatible with LaravelEnso\People\Forms\Builders\PersonForm::edit(LaravelEnso\People\Models\Person $person) {"userId":2,"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): Declaration of App\Forms\Builders\PersonForm::edit(App\Person $person) should be compatible with LaravelEnso\People\Forms\Builders\PersonForm::edit(LaravelEnso\People\Models\Person $person) at /home/genealogia/public_html/app/Forms/Builders/PersonForm.php:29)

curtisdelicata commented 4 years ago

My App\Person doesn't extend the Person model as it errored about cascade morph map so I had to copy all the functions instead and extend Model. Is this why?

curtisdelicata commented 4 years ago

I'm now extending default Person model after removing duplicate MorphCascade trait and same error on form about compatible $person

curtisdelicata commented 4 years ago

This is my Person:


namespace App;

use LaravelEnso\Companies\Models\Company; use App\Models\User; use App\Family; use App\Place; use App\PersonEvent; use LaravelEnso\DynamicMethods\Traits\Relations; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes; use Illuminate\Notifications\RoutesNotifications; use Illuminate\Support\Collection; use LaravelEnso\Addresses\Traits\Addressable; use LaravelEnso\Helpers\Traits\AvoidsDeletionConflicts; use LaravelEnso\Multitenancy\Traits\SystemConnection; use LaravelEnso\People\Enums\Genders; use LaravelEnso\People\Enums\Titles; use LaravelEnso\Rememberable\Traits\Rememberable; use LaravelEnso\Tables\Traits\TableCache; use LaravelEnso\TrackWho\Traits\CreatedBy; use LaravelEnso\TrackWho\Traits\UpdatedBy;

class Person extends \LaravelEnso\People\Models\Person { use Addressable, AvoidsDeletionConflicts, CreatedBy, Relations, Rememberable, RoutesNotifications, TableCache, UpdatedBy, SoftDeletes, SystemConnection;

     public function __construct(Array $attributes = [])

 * The attributes that should be mutated to dates.
 * @var array
protected $dates = ['deleted_at', 'birthday','deathday'];

protected $guarded = ['id'];

protected $fillable = [
    'title', 'name', 'appellative', 'uid', 'email', 'phone', 'birthday',
    'deathday', 'bank', 'bank_account',
    'uid', 'chan', 'rin', 'resn', 'rfn', 'afn',

public function events()
    return $this->hasMany(PersonEvent::class);

public function child_in_family()
    return $this->belongsTo(Family::class, 'child_in_family_id');

public function husband_in_family()
    return $this->hasMany(Family::class, 'husband_id');

public function wife_in_family()
    return $this->hasMany(Family::class, 'wife_id');

public function fullname()
    return $this->givn.' '.$this->surn;

public function getSex()
    if ($this->sex == 'F') {
        return 'Female';

    return 'Male';

public static function getList()
    $persons = self::get();
    $result = [];
    foreach ($persons as $person) {
        $result[$person->id] = $person->fullname();

    return collect($result);

public function addEvent($title, $date, $place, $description = '')
    $place_id = Place::getIdByTitle($place);
    $event = PersonEvent::updateOrCreate(
            'person_id' => $this->id,
            'title' => $title,
            'person_id' => $this->id,
            'title' => $title,
            'description' => $description,

    if ($date) {
        $event->date = $date;

    if ($place) {
        $event->places_id = $place_id;

    // add birthyear to person table ( for form builder )
    if ($title == 'BIRT' && ! empty($date)) {
        $this->birthday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date));
    // add deathyear to person table ( for form builder )
    if ($title == 'DEAT' && ! empty($date)) {
        $this->deathday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date));

    return $event;

public function birth()
    return $this->events->where('title', '=', 'BIRT')->first();

public function death()
    return $this->events->where('title', '=', 'DEAT')->first();

public function appellative()
    return $this->givn;

protected $touches = ['user'];

public function user()
    return $this->hasOne(\LaravelEnso\Core\Models\User::class);

public function companies()
    return $this->belongsToMany(Company::class)
        ->withPivot(['position', 'is_main']);

public function hasUser()
    return $this->user()->exists();

public function company()
    return $this->companies()->wherePivot('is_main', true)->first();

public function gender()
    if (! $this->title) {

    return $this->title === Titles::Mr
        ? Genders::Male
        : Genders::Female;

public function position(Company $company)
    return $this->companies()
        ->wherePivot('company_id', $company->id)

public function syncCompanies($companyIds, $mainCompanyId)
    $pivotIds = (new Collection($companyIds))
        ->reduce(fn ($pivot, $value) => $pivot->put($value, [
            'is_main' => $value === $mainCompanyId,
            'is_mandatary' => false,
        ]), new Collection());


} `

raftx24 commented 4 years ago

@curtisdelicata has been this solved?