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[5.3] "TokenMismatchException in VerifyCsrfToken.php" in Laravel's auth form #15040

Closed MountainDev closed 8 years ago

MountainDev commented 8 years ago

I use fresh installation of Laravel 5.3. I did the following steps in my Homestead:

laravel new blog php artisan make:auth entered proper database configuration in .env php artisan migrate

That's all I did. Everything wen smoothly but when I submit register form I get: TokenMismatchException in VerifyCsrfToken.php line 67:

I tried to clean cache and cookies, use different browsers and install Laravel again (also via composer). Some people from Laravel's IRC Chat also confirm that bug too.

srmklive commented 8 years ago

I just created a fresh installation of Laravel. Can't replicate the issue you mentioned.

MountainDev commented 8 years ago

@srmklive That is possible. On my second computer with different OS and Vagrant installation Laravel's fresh installation works fine. Neverthelss, I've talked with other people on IRC and the issue is real.

MountainDev commented 8 years ago

I found out that technically everything is okay. The issue remains but the code seems fine. In vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Middleware/VerifyCsrfToken.php I placed dd($request) before throw new TokenMismatchException;. The _token value matches _token input that is in form. So... What is going on?

GrahamCampbell commented 8 years ago

Please ask on the forums. I think it's more likely to be an issue specific to you.

MountainDev commented 8 years ago

@GrahamCampbell In my opinion it is NOT only specific to me. I can install and use Laravel's 5.2 auth component properly. With 5.3 I get this strange Csrf exception. Also - how this can be specific to me if it's fresh installation and other people have similar issues to me?

photz commented 8 years ago

I can confirm that the same thing happened to me as well last night using a new installation of Laravel 5.3.1, although I don't use Homestead.

MountainDev commented 8 years ago

I figured that out but I still consider this issue as a Laravel problem. Small change in framework's code and everything works fine.

UnrulyNatives commented 8 years ago

I struggled with the same issue. Version 5.3.4. I develop on Win 7. The issue is present both on my local env. and on my Digital Ocean server. Ubuntu 16.04 with PHP 7.0

@GrahamCampbell It is a framework issue and should be addressed. Pls.


  1. maybe you could create a pull request. Anyway, thank you so much - your solution saved a lot of time for me.
  2. Your hotfix is not always working. Sometimes I need to run php artisan cache:clear to login.
MountainDev commented 8 years ago

Glad to help @UnrulyNatives. Sure, I can create a pull request.

@GrahamCampbell can You look at this issue again? As You can see, it IS a framework problem but only in specific environment. As far as I know, framework should run without problems on every development machine/os/whatever.

MountainDev commented 8 years ago

So, if @GrahamCampbell is too busy, maybe @taylorotwell can help and figure out this issue?

ghermans commented 8 years ago

@taylorotwell @GrahamCampbell any update regarding this one?

nguyenphuocnhatthanh commented 8 years ago

I has same issue.Can anyone fix this issues ? @taylorotwell

Tjoosten commented 8 years ago

@taylorotwell same issue affecting my applications.

srmklive commented 8 years ago

I can confirm the same issue happened to me twice, while installing a fresh 5.3 application. I added the fix mentioned by @MountainDev, and it worked. I have a generated a PR for this for inclusion in the framework.

skeeith commented 8 years ago

Confirmed just now the issue is real. I just installed a fresh installation of 5.3 its annoying hahahaha

ghermans commented 8 years ago

Can someone reopen this ?

joelezeu commented 8 years ago

I used Mozilla Browser and it worked, still experiencing the problem in Chrome.

skeeith commented 8 years ago

Just tried Mozilla same issue. this is so annoying hahahaha

adamgriffin93 commented 8 years ago

Why is this closed??

skeeith commented 8 years ago

I don't know with them. its clearly an annoying issue. the guys have a fix on this but its temporary only. it involves touching a single line of code in the FileSystem file of Laravel WHICH WE SHOULD NOT BE DOING.

joelezeu commented 8 years ago

@MountainDev your fix didn't work for me.

adamgriffin93 commented 8 years ago

@joelezeu Something that worked for me was clearing my session and using the database driver.

skeeith commented 8 years ago

guys? still no fix to the bug?

digitalhuman commented 8 years ago

This bug still exists. I pulled two projects today and this TokenMismatch is still there! Can somebody please look into this seriously istead of ignoring this fail. Put your egos aside and properly test this and fix it please. Thank you! How many confirmations do you guys need?

@GrahamCampbell @taylorotwell

taylorotwell commented 8 years ago

Again, no bug can be confirmed. Here is a literal video recording of me doing it:

digitalhuman commented 8 years ago

Well even it that is true, which i assume is. Explain why so many people (like hundrets) have this issue then? Stating 'its not a bug' because you coincidently can not reproduce it while other people can is really not helping.

zmsaunders commented 8 years ago

I was having this issue this morning, but our app uses spark and we just upgraded to lv5.3 and spark2.0 - Once I updated the version of interceptors.js that our app was using to match the spark version, it resolved it for us. I noticed that without this, the app was in a loop trying to refresh our session tokens. Not sure if that helps anyone else out. I had first tried the file lock update that someone mentioned earlier with no luck, and also tried changing our session drivers without it fixing the bug either. Oddly enough, this only seems to effect our homestead environments, as our staging and production environments don't have this issue at all.

taylorotwell commented 8 years ago

@digitalhuman Calm down. Everything will be OK. All I'm saying is that it works on a fresh Laravel application, so there is some inconsistency between your application and a fresh Laravel application that is causing the problem.

Have you looked into the Vue interceptor issue that @zmsaunders mentions? If you are using vue-resource >= 1.x the interceptor in the bootstrap.js file in Laravel should look like this:

Vue.http.interceptors.push((request, next) => {
    request.headers.set('X-CSRF-TOKEN', Laravel.csrfToken);

digitalhuman commented 8 years ago

I am calm, that is not the point here :) I tried database sessions, file sessions and redis sessions. All create the same error on my fresh Laravel clone.

Well I remember the same kinda think happening in 5.1. I don't use Vue. What I see that is happening is;

After posting the form; In the constructing of the VerifyCsrfToken class the session CSRF is already different from the the 'input' version. Any idea why?

taylorotwell commented 8 years ago

Do you have JavaScript entirely disabled?

digitalhuman commented 8 years ago

Nope, since I had the same issue over and over again I just stopped configuring it in more detail. What I did:

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog (Since the above creates and sets the key in .env i did not have to run (php artisan key:generate)

php artisan session:table
php artisan make:auth
php artisan migrate

php artisan serve

Load http://localhost:8000 Checked my database for session; its there and valid. Checked the view, there is a crsf token as meta tag and same value in the form. So that works.

I press 'POST", and I always get this "TokenMismatchException in VerifyCsrfToken.php line 67:" error.

digitalhuman commented 8 years ago

So; what I just did; Removed the vendor folder. Completely; then: composer install. Load the form, post it: TokenMismatchException in VerifyCsrfToken.php line 67

I see my session in the 'cookies', developer console and database. They match and are valid.

morloderex commented 8 years ago

@digitalhuman I've had the excat some problem some time ago while migrating from a a single server setup to a loadbalancing setup with 2 servers running under it. And i figured out that for some reason the database driver where not using the same row again, it was always creating a new one.

Not sure about what's going on tho, but we managed to make it work by forcing remember me functionallity to be true when a user logs in.

taylorotwell commented 8 years ago

@digitalhuman followed those steps exactly and it works fine on my machine. There are also many Laravel 5.3 projects in production so I highly doubt that is some inherent problem with CSRF in Laravel 5.3.

Have you tried a different browser? A different computer?

digitalhuman commented 8 years ago

Yeah its totally unclear what the error causes. Also because there can be multiple reasons why this occurs. Like one of the issues could be the think @MountainDev is stating here:

The other thing could be indeed Sessions are not written or stored at all. Server side caching could also interfere. I remember having similar issues in 5.0.

I just managed to solve my issue though. Really painfull to disclose it but ok. Here we go;

1) Default cookie encryption was disabled (I really wounder why but that is another discussion @GrahamCampbell @taylorotwell ). So I enabled it. 2) My .env file had a different domainname in it. Obviously then it gets ........!#$#@!!$$#@ Solution: Make sure APP_URL matched the url of your dev environment. In my case: http://localhost, in some cased: etc etc etc

Good luck. Maybe we could combine the solutions?

/hides in the corner

taylorotwell commented 8 years ago

What do you mean by default cookie encryption was disabled? You disabled it?

digitalhuman commented 8 years ago

@taylorotwell Nope it was default disabled. I enabled it.

skeeith commented 8 years ago

guys I just tested it on XAMPP Environment. fresh installation of 5.3 is running okay..

the bug is occurring on my Laragon Environment. I'll try to update my Laragon and clear some cache and cookies. to see if it works.

digitalhuman commented 8 years ago

@oitsem099 I guess you now know the checks you need to do right?

1) Check if a session is generated, stored and valid 2) Check for correct directory and file permissions 3) Check for correct APP_URL in .env 4) Debug with unencrypted cookies/sessions could also help. 5) Check session domain equals APP_URL domain

skeeith commented 8 years ago

lol all I did was delete the current project. cleared my cache and cookies. installed a fresh 5.3 and restarted my Laragon Environment. now its working..that's really weird. I still have the same settings like before.

ghost commented 8 years ago

A quick follow up to this issue.... I'm using, Vagrant and VirtualBox on macOS Sierra and Chrome. Using the Laravel 5.3 install guide, and a fresh install the Auth - Register / Logon work fine. Why I was searching the google's for the "VerifyCsrfToken.php" error because previously. I had set up a Vagrant, VirtualBox virtual machine and 'copied' my website files into the virtual machine using a file sync method, one by one, but sometimes whole folders.

I believe the problem is with encoding. I found that a lot of files were just broken. Extra characters, weird line wraps etc.

Like, @taylorotwell said in a reply to @digitalhuman @digitalhuman followed those steps exactly and it works fine on my machine. There are also many Laravel 5.3 projects in production so I highly doubt that is some inherent problem with CSRF in Laravel 5.3.

Fresh installs work, because they're installed or created on one single machine, but a few of us have altered the files by moving, copying etc...

I don't have a fix, but it does work if someone else wants to try some of the deep core files... I open a file that is causing me trouble ... copy the text into a plan text editor in UTF-8, delete the file, and then make a new file, copy/paste it back ... save. It works.

just my 2 cents.

digitalhuman commented 8 years ago

@milkandteamedia Yeah I gues those steps are kinda it. If we need to add more then please let me know. I will edit that post. I guess that is the fix. I had the same issue because I copied my .env file from another project. Changed the key and DB user but forgot to change the APP_URL :) then everything gets $@##RF%^@#

ghost commented 8 years ago

@digitalhuman In addition to moving/copying files from my local OS into a vagrant / VirtualBox sync folder they were once merged from GitHub ... Again I don't have a fix or solution I just wanted to add my experience to this thread. Copying and Pasting fresh text into fresh files is a mind numbing procedure, I started over with a fresh install and everything is working...

nticaric commented 7 years ago

For reference, I just had this issue and after adding APP_URL to my .env the error was gone

jasonmccreary commented 7 years ago

I temporarily had this issue as well. It seems to occur when APP_URL and SESSION_DOMAIN are not inline with one another.

It also occurred when my Session Cookie Name (config/session.php) had a dot (e.g.

cyberhicham commented 7 years ago

@jasonmccreary : Same behaviour here, once the APP_URL & SESSION_DOMAIN are the same, the tokenmismatch exception disappeared

georgecoca commented 7 years ago

Tip: If you use the file driver for sessions check that storage folder it's writable and the web server user has access to read-write. TokenMismatchException is thrown if the CSRF token is not found in session (which is stored on storage/framework/sessions folder).

goesredy commented 7 years ago

In my case, after the APP_URL & SESSION_DOMAIN are the same (added manually), the tokenmismatch exception just appeared sometimes. Another problem comes, logout function not working. After click logout it will redirect to root, but the session still in there. So after click Login, will redirected to home, not to login form.

digitalhuman commented 7 years ago

@goesredy Did you validate if an actual session is really created in either a DB or Redis or File? Sounds like some IO issue to me.

goesredy commented 7 years ago

@digitalhuman Yap, got it, sorry. Issues on mine. But still need to set SESSION_DOMAIN to make it worked.