laravel / nova-issues

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Color and Date Field width #6468

Open vitaliyb opened 1 month ago

vitaliyb commented 1 month ago


After udating laravel/nova package from 4.28 to 4.34.3 Laravel\Nova\Fields\Color as well as Laravel\Nova\Fields\Date take up full width of the form.

I found no mentions of width change in release notes.





Detailed steps to reproduce the issue on a fresh Nova installation:

use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Color;

class ColorField
    public static function make(): Color
        return Color::make(__('Color'), 'color');
jeremynikolic commented 1 month ago

Thanks for reporting this @vitaliyb 🙏 This will be addressed in Nova 5 along with other alignments for some of those fields where full width is not pertinent UI/UX wise