laserswald / camden-robotics

FRC Robotics code for Camden County High School: Team 3329
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Math lib #14

Open theNerd247 opened 12 years ago

theNerd247 commented 12 years ago

For some reason the robot code will not use the most updated version of java's Math lib. instead use this import for trig and other stuff : import com.sun.squawk.util.*; and then use the regular java.util.Math for the rest....if you tried to do stuff in Netbeans you should have already ran into this problem. Also, in the code create packages for each class so the compiler knows where to find them. use these for the packages : edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.templates. and the class name is MathUtils instead of Math (note this is for what's not in the Math class. If the function can be found in the java 1.3 Math class then use it from their, if not use MathUtils.)

laserswald commented 12 years ago

Try not to mix your issues. I'm going to read them both, so yeah.