Closed zist8888 closed 2 months ago
Phrase user the latest Slicer Stable Release or latest Slicer Preview Release and key is know if you run into any issues.
The problem is that the result file format is incorrect (you get .nii.gz, while .nrrd file format should be used instead).
you are right,i have modified at the afternoon,thanks for replying!
Dependencies are set up successfully. Processing started Writing input file to /tmp/Slicer-ubuntu/SlicerTemp2024-09-26_16+31+46.165/input-volume.nrrd Creating segmentations with MONAIAuto3DSeg AI... Auto3DSeg command: ['/data/soft/Slicer-5.7.0-2024-03-25-linux-amd64/bin/../bin/PythonSlicer', '/data/soft/Slicer-5.7.0-2024-03-25-linux-amd64/sl', '--model-file', '/home/ub untu/.MONAIAuto3DSeg/models/abdominal-organs-3mm/', '--image-file', '/tmp/Slicer-ubuntu/SlicerTemp2024-09-26_16+31+46.165/input-volu me.nrrd', '--result-file', '/data/soft/Slicer-5.7.0-2024-03-25-linux-amd64/output-segmentation.nii.gz']
is not installed properly, use nn.InstanceNorm3d instead. Model epoch 294 metric 0.9070999026298523 Using crop_foreground Using resample with resample_resolution [3.0, 3.0, 3.0] Running Inference ...0%| | 0/6 [00:00<?, ?it/s]Applied workaround for CuDNN issue, install (Triggered internally at ../aten/src/ATen/native/cudnn /Conv_v8.cpp:84.)
17%|█▋ | 1/6 [00:00<00:01, 3.50it100%|██████████| 6/6 [00:0100%|██████████| 6/6 [00:0Logits torch.Size([1, 25, 160, 133, 134]) Converting logits into predictions preds torch.Size([1, 1, 160, 133, 134]) preds inverted torch.Size([512, 512, 321]) Computation time log: Loading volumes: 1.35 seconds Preprocessing: 2.60 seconds Inference: 0.53 seconds Logits: 0.33 seconds Preds: 0.15 seconds Convert to array: 0.32 seconds Save: 4.06 seconds ALL DONE, result saved in /data/soft/Slicer-5.7.0-2024-03-25-linux-amd64/output-segmentation.nii.gz Processing failed with return code 1002 Cleaning up temporary folder. Processing failed after 16.58 seconds. double free or corruption (!prev) error: [/data/soft/Slicer-5.7.0-2024-03-25-linux-amd64/bin/SlicerApp-real] exit abnormally - Report the problem.
run Test without slicer3D UI,I get error,save file cannt open ,why?tks