latenitefilms / MarkerToolbox

Import Vimeo Markers into Final Cut Pro
MIT License
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Add ability to batch process comments to Final Cut Pro clips #13

Open latenitefilms opened 1 year ago

latenitefilms commented 1 year ago

Ideally you could put in the URL for a project or folder, Marker Toolbox would download ALL the comments for all the clips in that project or folder, then if you drag a library or event to Marker Toolbox, it'll use filenames to match everything up.

latenitefilms commented 1 year ago

Useful links:

latenitefilms commented 1 year ago

Here's a simple Python script to get a list of all the root_asset_id's:

import requests

# API base URL

# Put your API token here

# The header for the requests
headers = {
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {TOKEN}",

def get_resource(resource_url):
    """Send GET request to the provided resource URL and return the JSON response."""
    response = requests.get(resource_url, headers=headers)
    response.raise_for_status()  # Will raise an HTTPError if the response was unsuccessful
    return response.json()

def fetch_root_asset_ids():
    """Fetch the root_asset_id for each project in each team in each account."""
    # Get the user's accounts
    accounts = get_resource(f"{BASE_URL}/accounts")

    for account in accounts:
        # Get the teams within the current account
        teams = get_resource(f"{BASE_URL}/accounts/{account['id']}/teams")

        for team in teams:
            # Get the projects within the current team
            projects = get_resource(f"{BASE_URL}/teams/{team['id']}/projects")

        for project in projects:
            # Use the .get() method, which returns None if the key is not present in the dictionary
            project_name = project.get('name', 'Unnamed Project')
            team_name = team.get('name', 'Unnamed Team')
            account_name = account.get('name', 'Unnamed Account')
            root_asset_id = project.get('root_asset_id', 'No Root Asset ID')
            print(f"Project '{project_name}' in team '{team_name}' of account '{account_name}' has root_asset_id '{root_asset_id}'.")

if __name__ == "__main__":

You can then use that root_asset_id in this website to get a CSV: