latex3 / hyperref

Hypertext support for LaTeX
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onmousedown, onmousemove, onmouseout, onmouseover, onmouseup do not seem to work for `\PushButton` #342

Closed JasonGross closed 2 months ago

JasonGross commented 4 months ago

This code works:

\usepackage{hyperref} % For creating form fields and JavaScript
\pretocmd{\@PushButton}{\savebox{\pushbutton@picture}{#2}}{}{\errmessage{could not patch \string\@PushButton}}
\pretocmd{\@picture}{\xdef\picture@coords{{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}}{}{\errmessage{could not patch \string\@picture}}
% width, height, Xoffset, Yoffset, name
    var x = this.mouseX;
    var y = this.mouseY;
    console.println('Mouse coordinates: (' + x + ', ' + y + ')');
    var obj = this.getField('#5');
    % console.println(obj);
    % for (var key in obj) \string{ if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) \string{ console.println(key + ':' + obj[key]); \string} \string}
    console.println('#5 coordinates: (' + obj.rect + ')');
    var objLowerX = obj.rect[0];
    var objLowerY = obj.rect[3];
    var objUpperX = obj.rect[2];
    var objUpperY = obj.rect[1];
    var objht = objUpperY - objLowerY;
    var objwd = objUpperX - objLowerX;
    var xPercent = (x - objLowerX) / objwd;
    var yPercent = (y - objLowerY) / objht;
    console.println('Scaling: (#1, #2) (#3, #4)');
    var xScaled = xPercent * #1;
    var yScaled = yPercent * #2;
    var xTranslated = xScaled - #3;
    var yTranslated = yScaled - #4;
    console.println('Scaled coordinates: (' + xScaled + ', ' + yScaled + ')');
    this.getField('coordField').value += '\string\\\string\\put(' + xScaled + ', ' + yScaled + ')\string\\n';



% Define the multiline text field
\TextField[name=coordField, width=300pt, height=100pt, multiline=true]{Mouse Coordinates:}

\begin{picture}(200, 200)
% Define the button
    \put(0, 0){\makebox(200, 200){Click}}



but replacing onclick with any of the onmouse* options does not. Inspecting the JS debugger in Acrobat shows empty MouseUp annotations attached regardless of which onmouse property I choose (I haven't tested all of them, I'm generalizing from a few). Perhaps the issue is that the properties are named incorrectly? The acrobat form editor names them differently: image

I guess onenter, onblur, onfocus, onexit will work fine, but there doesn't seem to be anything that gives a MouseDown annotation?

Btw, I could not find the code that defines how these properties get transformed into javascript code. Where is the code that does that?

u-fischer commented 4 months ago

That onmousedown and onmouseup do not work is a bug (the key definition is wrong), that will be corrected in the next version. But the other keys are html only, they have no counterpart in pdf. So you will get as now only a warning:

Package hyperref Warning: HTML field option `onmousemove'
(hyperref)                is ignored on input line 236.
u-fischer commented 2 months ago

I uploaded a new hyperref to ctan that fix this.