laurentalacoque / TouchSelfie-extended

Open Source Photobooth based on the official Raspberry Pi 7" Touchscreen
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pi v1 camera: "Invalid resolution requested" / Printer won't work #86

Closed duamatef closed 4 years ago

duamatef commented 5 years ago

laurent, you have created and excellent product but I have problem. I am a raspberry pi newbie running touchselfie-extended on a raspberry pi 3 B+. I am using the official raspberry pi screen 7" and a raspberry pi camera v1.

The program works fine except for two problems which may or may not be related. The collage photos and the GIF image work and can be emailed, but the the "snap" photo cannot. In addition none of the three can be printed.

I am attaching the error code for the inability to make a snap photo and the error code for the inability to print. I can only send them as screen shots.

I apologize. I have a suspicion that the v1 camera is the culprit based on the error message, but in the file the program seems to accomodate the v1 camera.

Please help. Thank you so much for your great product. IMG_8298 IMG_8297

-- edited white spaces for clarity

duamatef commented 5 years ago

sorry the pics are correctly oriented on my computer. Not sure why they rotated on upload. apologies.

laurentalacoque commented 5 years ago

hello @duamatef :)

Fix resolution errors when using pi camera v1

Good news,: TouchSelfie is easily adaptable to V1 Camera.

Edit the file scripts/ and scroll to the resolution option:

# Parameters for the three main effects
# None: simple shot
# Four: Collage of four shots
# Animation : animated gif
v2_full_size = (3280,2464)
v2_half_size = (1640,1232)
v2_quarter_size = (820,616)

v1_full_size = (2592,1944)
v1_half_size = (1296,972)
v1_quarter_size = (648,486)

    "None": {
        'snap_size' : v2_full_size, #(width, height) => preferably use integer division of camera resolution
        'logo_size' : 128,         # height in pixels of the logo (will be thumbnailed to this size)
        'logo_padding' : 32        # bottom and right padding of the logo (pixels)
    "Four": { 
        'snap_size' : v2_half_size,                       #(width, height) of each shots of the 2x2 collage
        'foreground_image' : "collage_four_square.png" # Overlay image on top of the collage
    "Animation": {
        'snap_size' : (500, 500),   #(width, height) => Caution, gif animation can be huge, keep this small
        'frame_number' : 10,        # number of frames in the animation
        'snap_period_millis' : 200, # time interval between two snapshots
        'gif_period_millis' : 50    # time interval in the animated gif

As you can see, the parameters "snap_size' control the resolution of the shots. You can safely change any v2_XXX_size to v1_XXX_size in the EFFECTS_PARAMETERS dict. In your case this would translate to:

# Parameters for the three main effects
# None: simple shot
# Four: Collage of four shots
# Animation : animated gif
v2_full_size = (3280,2464)
v2_half_size = (1640,1232)
v2_quarter_size = (820,616)

v1_full_size = (2592,1944)
v1_half_size = (1296,972)
v1_quarter_size = (648,486)

    "None": {
        'snap_size' : v1_full_size, #CHANGED (width, height) => preferably use integer division of camera resolution
        'logo_size' : 128,         # height in pixels of the logo (will be thumbnailed to this size)
        'logo_padding' : 32        # bottom and right padding of the logo (pixels)
    "Four": { 
        'snap_size' : v1_half_size,   #CHANGED (width, height) of each shots of the 2x2 collage
        'foreground_image' : "collage_four_square.png" # Overlay image on top of the collage
    "Animation": {
        'snap_size' : (500, 500),   #(width, height) => Caution, gif animation can be huge, keep this small
        'frame_number' : 10,        # number of frames in the animation
        'snap_period_millis' : 200, # time interval between two snapshots
        'gif_period_millis' : 50    # time interval in the animated gif

Solve printing issues

Sorry, I won't be able to provide support for this one. This feature was contributed by someone else and I don't have any printers to debug it :( Some rules of thumb though:

duamatef commented 5 years ago

Laurent, Thanks so much. That worked! The "snap" portion now works. I will continue to work on the printer. Can you also help me with the customization of the configuration.json file. Below is a copy of my file:

{ "archive_to_all_usb_drives": true, "countdown_before_snap": 5, "countdown_inter_snap": 3, "email_body": "Greetings, here's your photo sent from the photobooth\n\n\n", "email_subject": "Here's your photo!", "enable_effects": true, "enable_email": true, "enable_email_logging": true, "enable_hardware_buttons": false, "enable_print": true, "enable_upload": true, "full_screen": true, "gmail_user": "", "google_photo_album_id": "None", "google_photo_album_name": "Drop Box", "local_archive": true, "local_archive_dir": "/home/pi/TouchSelfie/Photos", "logo_file": "capgi4.png", "selected_printer": 1, "snap_caption": "MERRY XMAS" }

Based on the above I would expect the "MERRY XMAS" to be displayed and the logo file which is 1500 x 600 to displayed as well.


The snap photo shows that the "MERRY XMAS" is not printed and the logo is super tiny. I tried increasing the dimensions of the logo but it is still super tiny. Please help and thank you in advance

laurentalacoque commented 4 years ago

@duamatef Sorry for the late answer, you surely have solved your problem by now.

A few thoughts though:

    "None": {
        'snap_size' : v2_full_size, #(width, height) => preferably use integer division of camera resolution
>        'logo_size' : 128,         # height in pixels of the logo (will be thumbnailed to this size)
>        'logo_padding' : 32        # bottom and right padding of the logo (pixels)
    "Four": { 
        'snap_size' : v2_half_size,                       #(width, height) of each shots of the 2x2 collage
        'foreground_image' : "collage_four_square.png" # Overlay image on top of the collage
    "Animation": {
        'snap_size' : (500, 500),   #(width, height) => Caution, gif animation can be huge, keep this small
        'frame_number' : 10,        # number of frames in the animation
        'snap_period_millis' : 200, # time interval between two snapshots
        'gif_period_millis' : 50    # time interval in the animated gif