Closed Reznik070 closed 1 year ago
If you want help, you have to give me details:
Sorry for the late response. I was trying to find out additional information as per test case.
PostgresSQL version 11 / oracle_fdw 1.1 / Oracle 11g / Oracle client 12c
Thanks. 1.1 is the version of the extension.
You can run SELECT oracle_diag();
to get the oracle_fdw version.
Now please copy and paste the error message and show me the exact sequence of statements that lead to this.
Apologies. My mistake. Below:
oracle_fdw 2.1.0, PostgreSQL 11.5 (Ubuntu 11.5-1.pgdg18.04+1), Oracle client
Npgsql.PostgresException: 23502: error executing query: OCIStmtExecute failed to execute remote query [Details] Severity: ERROR InvariantSeverity: ERROR SqlState: 23502 MessageText: error executing query: OCIStmtExecute failed to execute remote query Detail: Detail redacted as it may contain sensitive data. Specify 'Include Error Detail' in the connection string to include this information. File: oracle_fdw.c Line: 6308 Routine: oracleError_d
Detail redacted as it may contain sensitive data. Specify 'Include Error Detail' in the connection string to include this information.
Please make it display the interesting information.
You are using a very old version of oracle_fdw. Please try with Git HEAD.
If the error persists, and the secret detail information is not enough for me to understand what's going on, I will ask for the following:
statement in OracleCREATE FOREIGN TABLE
statement in PostgreSQLBig thanks!
You are welcome! Could you solve the problem? How?
Hi, not yet. Oracle admin is on holiday. I'll post when we try your suggestions. Sorry for the late response
I'll close this for inactivity. Feel free to reopen it if you have new information.
And thank you for your contribution. This OCIStmtExecute failed to execute remote query has been giving me a headache recently. Oracle_fdw worked so well last year until I checked recently. Did you change anything recently? Is this some serialization issue? First I got this error. Then it worked but I noticed no ID (Primary key) serial was saved. Then I tried again with a new create and all I get is this error.