lawremi / CustomOreGen

Custom Ore Generation mod for Minecraft, originally by JRoush
Artistic License 2.0
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No tetrahedrite for Gregtech 5u #210

Open GusSmedstad opened 6 years ago

GusSmedstad commented 6 years ago

I was exploring using this to replace Gregtech 5u ore generation, and it appears that it generates no tetrahedrite, and limited stibnite. Those are the only sources of antimony in Gregtech 5u, which is a key element since it's required for all batteries.

lawremi commented 6 years ago

If you've got a feel for the balance, please patch it and make a pull request.

GusSmedstad commented 6 years ago

I'm not entirely sure how to specify ID #'s for Gregtech ores in the config XML files.

In any case, I decided to give COG a pass for my replay of Greg 5u after spending more time studying ore generation patterns with non-ore blocks removed via World Edit. The problem is that it's based on Geologica, which is a mod that sounds great in theory but which is awful in actual practice with Gregtech.

Gregtech's own ore generation has balance issues, but Geologica makes them much worse because it makes it very difficult to find copper and tin early in the game, when it's a bottleneck for progressing out of the stone age, and the steam age consumes vast amounts of bronze. It also makes it difficult to find specific ores in general, since unlike straight Gregtech, there's no "every 3 chunks" pattern you can use, and the deposits aren't the fat targets that Gregtech's disc-shape deposits are.

It was, incidentally, tetrahedrite and tin that made me look at COG as an alternative in the first place. They're painful in 5u because tetrahedrite only generates in extreme hills since it requires Y 80 to 120, and it's only one of many ores that Gregtech might generate there, so it often doesn't show up at all. Cassiterite is almost as bad because it's Y 40 to 120, and it's 75% likely that it will fail to generate in normal-height biomes as a result. I was hoping COG would let me preserve the "mostly in hills" flavor of these ores while making it likely that they will generate when the terrain's high enough.

lawremi commented 6 years ago

Geologica aims to make those metals available via sand ore variants that are deposited in beaches and rivers. Of course, I admit to not balancing the Gregtech configs. That's more than I'm willing to invest.