ldtteam / minecolonies-features

This is a repo only to discuss minecolonies features (requested and planned)
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Improving Raids - Barbarians, Berserkers and Shelters #834

Open YumatanGames opened 2 months ago

YumatanGames commented 2 months ago



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Throughout history, the term "barbarian" was used by civilizations like the Greeks and Romans to label those they viewed as outsiders or savages. This often included groups like the Vikings, who are well-documented for their strategic raids across Europe. But, unlike the common portrayal of seeking only destruction, their primary aim was often the acquisition of resources—raiding for valuables and supplies rather than engaging in mindless slaughter. This more strategic approach to raiding, sparing lives for future opportunities, offers a compelling model for reimagining barbarian behavior in the game.

Enhancement or Change description

Suggested Barbarian Behavior in Game

Introducing Berserkers for Enhanced Dynamics

Sometimes, a raid will have Berserkers alongside the barbarians. These formidable enemies will be few in numbers but much stronger than the average barbarian.

"The Shelter"

To add realism to the mod, and counteract the introduction of the berserkers, I suggest the creation of a new structure, the Shelter. The Shelter is unlocked by a level 3 research in the University. Once created, colonists will run there during raids, instead of staying at their homes.

Notes or related things
