Closed zeroxer closed 1 year ago
Not leafo, but I assume the benefit you want is compile time evaluating that? AFAIK MoonScript doesn't do any compile-time evaluation of any kind. I would just do the check inside the method, personally.
A convention I use in several languages is to have a constant called Debug in each module and set it to true when I need debug output or extra checks turned on.
I dunno what your use case is, so I can't really speak to the effect on performance adding such ifs would have, but for the kind of things I tend to write, it is insignificant compared to other costs.
is_debug is just one case. I want to use this because I can share some function code out of if/else and use the same function name with a clean code style. I dont want to use so many if/else in function. That was annoying when you have global is_debug(or something else), and have a lot debug code (or something else) to use. If support this usage, we can just remove the functions just for is_debug and keep the other functions no change.
Thanks for your reply.
Ah, I see what you mean.
Actually, I think you can have almost exactly what you wanted. I tried this in the MoonScript playground here, and it does work:
class Person
say_name: if is_debug
=> "debug"
=> "release"
test = Person!
It replaces the method definition based on the flag at require
time, so should work I think. Here's the generated Lua:
local Person
local _class_0
local _base_0 = {
say_name = (function()
if is_debug then
return function(self)
return "debug"
return function(self)
return "release"
_base_0.__index = _base_0
_class_0 = setmetatable({
__init = function() end,
__base = _base_0,
__name = "Person"
}, {
__index = _base_0,
__call = function(cls, ...)
local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0)
cls.__init(_self_0, ...)
return _self_0
_base_0.__class = _class_0
Person = _class_0
local test = Person()
return test:say_name()
I have tried one as fellow.
It seems the single line of =>
after if is_debug
is a must. Is there any way to use if is_debug =>
like else =>
is_debug = true
class Person
say_name: if is_debug
print "Debug: Hello, I am #{@name}!"
print "Good Job"
else =>
print "Release: Hello, I am #{@name}!"
print "Good Job"
print_debug: if is_debug
print "Print in debug"
with Person()
.name = "MoonScript"
with Person()
.name = "DebugTest"
class Person extends Thing if is_debug say_name: => print "Debug: Hello, I am #{@name}!" else say_name: => print "Release: Hello, I am #{@name}!"