leahneukirchen / extrace

trace exec() calls system-wide
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EXTRACE(1) General Commands Manual EXTRACE(1)

NAME extrace – trace exec() calls system-wide

SYNOPSIS extrace [-deflqtu] [-o file] [-p pid | cmd ...]

DESCRIPTION extrace traces all program executions occurring on a system.

 The options are as follows:

 -d      Print the current working directory of the new process.

 -e      Print environment of process, or ‘-’ if unreadable.

 -f      Generate flat output without indentation.  By default, the line
         indentation reflects the process hierarchy.

 -l      Resolve full path of the executable.  By default, argv[0] is

 -q      Suppress printing of exec(3) arguments.

 -t      Also display process exit status and duration.

 -u      Also display the user running the process.

 -o file
         Redirect trace output to file.

 -p pid  Only trace exec(3) calls descendant of pid.

 cmd ...
         Run cmd ... and only trace descendants of this command.

         By default, all exec(3) calls are traced globally.

EXIT STATUS The extrace utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.

ERRORS Check these prerequisites if you see this error:

       binding sk_nl error: Operation not permitted

 extrace requires special permissions to run, either root or the Linux
 CAP_NET_ADMIN capability.

 extrace only works on Linux kernels with the kernel options


SEE ALSO fatrace(1), ps(1), pwait(1), strace(1)

AUTHORS Leah Neukirchen leah@vuxu.org

 May contain traces of code from Guillaume Thouvenin, Matt Helsley, and
 Sebastian Krahmer.

BUGS While process tracing is exact, looking up all information is inherently sensitive to race conditions. In doubt, you can only trust the PID was written correctly.

LICENSE extrace is licensed under the terms of the GPLv2.

Void Linux June 19, 2018 Void Linux

PWAIT(1) General Commands Manual PWAIT(1)

NAME pwait – wait for processes to terminate

SYNOPSIS pwait [-v] [-c] pid ...

DESCRIPTION pwait waits until each of the given processes has terminated.

 The options are as follows:

 -v      Print the exit status when each process terminates.

 -c      Return 111 if any process exited non-successfully.

EXIT STATUS The pwait utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.

 Invalid pids elicit a warning message but are otherwise ignored.

ERRORS Check these prerequisites if you see this error:

       binding sk_nl error: Operation not permitted

 pwait requires special permissions to run, either root or the Linux
 CAP_NET_ADMIN capability.

 pwait only works on Linux kernels with the kernel options


SEE ALSO extrace(1), kill(1), pkill(1), ps(1), wait(1)

AUTHORS Leah Neukirchen leah@vuxu.org

 Built upon code from FreeBSD pwait written by Jilles Tjoelker.

LICENSE pwait is licensed under the terms of the GPLv2.

Void Linux September 17, 2018 Void Linux