lean / phaser-es6-webpack

A bootstrap project for create games with Phaser + ES6 + Webpack.
MIT License
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Warning message #6

Closed zh-wowtv closed 8 years ago

zh-wowtv commented 8 years ago

Got the following warning message:

WARNING in ./~/phaser/build/custom/p2.js Critical dependencies: 24:397-404 This seems to be a pre-built javascript file. Though this is possible, it's not recommended. Try to require the original source to get better results. @ ./~/phaser/build/custom/p2.js 24:397-404

What could be wrong? Thanks

lean commented 8 years ago

Hi. Nothing is wrong. The warning message is from webpack telling to us "hey this is a custom build". You could use normally, the real problem is with the phaser packages, but not with the project itself