A user select feature they want to do like Game, Money, APP,
Conversation, more if you have idea
User can chat with other user by real time
can store the information in system such as image video file PDF
the user can see the list video that get from user upload
sale projects like computer motor watch car class by type
review products that we have bought in System
can upload user and background image login
the user can upload the product and sale them
the user can review all product by other user
the user can preview only user product
the user can see the product that have bought from other user
the user can buy money in system and use it buy the product
the user can view the product have sold
Store Information Family
day of birth age address picture
preview all information about user
Can create schedule for today every time 24H
Preview time and that we have created
Get notification from other user have like or comment on your post
To do
Create task for daily
Can create a folder and inside more
House Rent
payment Date
customer register will be rent
alert notification to the costomer about payment will expire
can know about room is empty
after registering successfully we need the system to read the customer's name
Chart show information about the totalMoneyRentHourse for a month , Costomer rigster for a month
, Costomer are staying currently , Costomer register but don't stay
User can Post pictures about anything they want post
Project that we want to do like below
Store Information Family
To do
House Rent