learn-co-curriculum / tips

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Technical Interview Practice for Students aka TIPS


The Technical Interview Training Proposal (titp.md in this repo) was put together by former Flatiron TCF Lindsey Wells. Please read through it to get an idea of the origins of this repository. The purpose of implementing TIPS is twofold. First, to improve students' exposure to the types of questions they could see on technical interviews. Second, to provide a timed, structured environment that could induce a stressful environment similar to that of a real technical interview.


On the second Monday of modules 1 through 4, TCFs administer a TIPS session, or a single TIPP (Technical Interview Practice Problem). TIPS sessions will run very similarly to mini code challenges. They will be timed for twenty minutes, with a "pencils down" call at the end. One major difference between TIPS and a module code challenge is that TCFs will immediately run a review session to go over the solution. (We have discussed different possible ways to grade this -- and for now we're settling on students looking over their own work during the review -- open to ideas here). Ideally, the whole process takes thirty minutes. Realistically, an hour block should be more than enough to cover it start to finish.


Far from a final solution, this is a living idea, and a living document. Thoughtful contributions, suggestions, changes, additions, and new ideas are always welcome!

Please put draft TIPPs into the drafts folder, and label each one with an identifier and the corresponding module, e. g. mod-1-palindrome-draft. Once finalized, they will move to the corresponding mod folder.

Solution Branch

There is a solution branch to post solutions to challenges. Please submit solutions to this branch. Solutions should include any code, as well as easy-to-follow guidelines for leading the review session. In other words, a TCF should be able to read through the solution and be able to easily lead a review/solution session. Solution code and review guideline files should be labeled with -solution and -review, respectively. For solutions, please make a new local branch from the solution branch, commit to that branch, and make a PR to the solution branch. This will help us keep a clean git history.

Each challenge should live in a folder for easy portability, and should provide clear and concise instructions for students.