Open sjlee opened 1 year ago
I assume this is only on mobile? Any chance you've got a screenshot you can share?
It appears they have gone back to the previous image. I will post a screenshot if/when I see it again. I assume this would be easy to track with a new gmail account. :)
Please describe the issue and the steps to reproduce it. Screenshots are useful.
It appears that Gmail changed their zero inbox background image yet again. :)
Simplify v.2.5.37 - Configuration: aAX appMenuOpen ca3 caI caL cfC cfO cfQ cfR cfU composeActions composeFab dateGroup defaultTheme fontMsg hideLabelChips hideListCount hideMsgCount hideTabIcons inInbox inList inboxZero invertAddons invertCompose isSafari izBgDefault lightTheme listWidthLg lowDensity matYou minimizeChat msgWidthSm navOpen newNav newUI simplify simplifyMenuOpen supExtWarn - System: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.6 Safari/605.1.15 - Window: 1600 x 1775 (100pct zoom) - Language: en