leifeld / dna

Discourse Network Analyzer (DNA)
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Problem with unidentified character in text #283

Closed rubensyanes closed 1 year ago

rubensyanes commented 1 year ago

Hi! I am using DNA2.0 because I need to upload several tweets as documents. In some messages, when I duplicate a statement, I am not able to open the window to add the new concept neither clicking on the selected text or on the recently added statement in the left. I am not sure why this happens? I have tried different alternatives without success. 1) identify special characters that could be creating the problem, 2) dividing my documents in smaller sets. Any hints about what could be happening?

Thanks in advanced

leifeld commented 1 year ago

At this point, I would recommend DNA 2.0 only for setting up the initial database, and then I would import this into a new DNA 3.0 database before doing any coding. Is there any reason you need to code in DNA 2.0?

rubensyanes commented 1 year ago

I started using DNA2 without thinking about it, but I´ll try DNA3. My only concern is that I have divided the data in different files and the error appeared in the last file I am coding. The previous ones are already coded and the error never happened. Thanks

leifeld commented 1 year ago

DNA 3 is generally less error-prone regarding data saving, so hopefully this will fix the problem. It's difficult to tell now what the problem in DNA 2 is. But even if you started it from the command line and recorded the error message, I might not be able to fix the bug in DNA because my efforts are focused on DNA 3 now. Let me know how you get on and if this fixes your problem.

leifeld commented 1 year ago

Feel free to join the Matrix DNA space if you want to chat about any follow-up questions. See the README on the main page for details. I'll close this here now.