leifliddy / asahi-fedora-builder

Builds a minimal Fedora image to run on Apple M-series systems
MIT License
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Builds a minimal Fedora image to run on Apple M-series systems

Installing a Prebuilt Image

Make sure to update your macOS to version 13.5 or later, then just pull up a Terminal in macOS and paste in this command:

curl https://leifliddy.com/fedora.sh | sh

Fedora Package Install

dnf install arch-install-scripts bubblewrap mkosi systemd-container zip



  1. The root password is fedora
  2. On the first boot the asahi-firstboot.service will run and the system will reboot
  3. This project installs packages from the Asahi Fedora Remix repos

Setting up WiFi

NetworkManager is enabled by default.

To connect to a wireless network, use the following sytanx: nmcli dev wifi connect network-ssid

An actual example: nmcli dev wifi connect blacknet-ac password supersecretpassword

Wiping Linux

Bring up a Terminal in macOS and run the following Asahi Linux script:
sudo curl -L https://leifliddy.com/wipe-linux | sh
You should definitely understand what this script does before running it. You can find more info here:

Boot from USB device

This project will create a bootable USB drive for Apple M-series systems
This requires that Linux is already installed on on the internal drive

Set the default startup disk

[root@m1 ~]# asahi-bless 
 1) Macintosh HD, Data
*2) Fedora - Data, Fedora

Persistently set your battery charge threshold to 80%

echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="power_supply", KERNEL=="macsmc-battery", ATTR{charge_control_end_threshold}="80"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/10-battery.rules

Mute the startup chime

asahi-nvram write system:StartupMute=%01

Display and keyboard backlight

The light command can be used to adjust the screen and keyboard backlight.

light -s sysfs/leds/kbd_backlight -S 10
light -s sysfs/backlight/apple-panel-bl -S 50

Increase the terminal font size

On high-DPI displays, the terminal fonts (on the console) appear extremely small
To increase the size, edit /etc/vconsole.conf and specify a larger font size, such as:


Viewing protected content sites like netflix.com

Run the widevine-installer script (which is part of the widevine-installer rpm)
This will create the necessary configuration changes to make Widevine available for both Firefox and Chromium-based browsers
Now you need to download a User-Agent (UA) switch extension and modify the UA string to a Chromium OS one
There's many UA extensions out there, here's just an example of how I did it
I installed this UA switcher extension for firefox
and then chose a Chromium OS userAgent string

Then I chose Custom Mode and entered the following so that the UA string is only used to override a specific site

  "netflix.com": [
    Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Asahi Fedora Remix

As of 1 April 2023, this project now installs packages from the Asahi Fedora Remix repos


6-Jan-2024: Modified grub and installed fedora-asahi-remix-scripts package
If you've installed this image prior to this date, please run the following:

dnf reinstall grub2-efi-aa64
dnf install fedora-asahi-remix-scripts
systemctl start asahi-setup-swap-firstboot.service
rm /usr/sbin/create-efi-bootloader
rm /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/BOOTAA64.EFI.old

27-Apr-2024: Upgraded to F40

7-Nov-2023: Install the asahi-platform-metapackage package
If you've installed this image prior to this date, please install the asahi-platform-metapackage package with:

dnf install asahi-platform-metapackage

27-Aug-2023: Install the kernel-16k-modules-extra package
If you've installed this image prior to this date, please install the kernel-16k-modules-extra package with:

dnf install kernel-16k-modules-extra

Otherwise, if you install a package that has a kernel-modules-extra dependency, the 4k kernel variant of that package will be installed instead.

23-Aug-2023: Switched to the kernel-16k variant
Ref: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/switch-to-the-kernel-16k-variant/87711

31-Jul-2023: removed the asahi-repos-edge repo
Note: this repository is no longer being maintained.
If you've installed this image prior to this date, please remove the asahi-repos-edge package with:

dnf remove asahi-repos-edge