lenguyen2808 / prj-rev-bwfs-dasmoto

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Open franfranfranfran opened 6 years ago

franfranfranfran commented 6 years ago

GRADE: Needs Improvement

SUMMARY: Good start on this project. The site itself looks great and you did an excellent job keeping your styling DRY. There are just a few areas of improvement behind the scenes that will make the project perfect.

Make sure to save your image files locally to a resources folder and then use relative file paths to link to them from your html and css. This will ensure that you always know exactly where your assets are stored, and they display correctly on the page. Also, make sure to keep your indentation as consistent as possible throughout the html. Use indentation to indicate the nesting relationships between elements and make your code easier to read.

As a next step, try using divs and classes to reinforce the content structure of the page. Sectioning off each content block will help with styling, readability, and creating a well-defined structure for the page. All of these things become more and more crucial as your projects grow in size and complexity.

Keep up the good work

lenguyen2808 commented 6 years ago

Thanks Francis,

I created a folder for the project, in which includes the resources folder / CSS folder. However, I cant link up the HTML and CSS files together if these are not in the same folder. I know that this is pretty simple but I tried a few times and didnt work.

My folder looks like this: New project > index.html + resources folder> Css folder> style.css

franfranfranfran commented 6 years ago

double check the resource i provided for relative file paths and don't be afraid to do some googling of your own if you are still having trouble. http://www.coffeecup.com/help/articles/absolute-vs-relative-pathslinks/

if your project is set up how you mention above then the path would look like this -


that is assuming that those folders are actually called just 'resources' and 'css' and not 'resources folder' or 'css folder' obviously you should use the names you chose in the path