Using test262-harness + node I've found issues with a few tests crashing, mostly in the built-ins/RegExp folder.
While I've got a new open issue on test262 to refactor the regexp tests, I don't think that's gonna happen so fast.
There's a work on the way for test262-harness to handle crashings from a runtime or node, but the 2.0.x version got released this week and now I still need to get it to work in my machine, which currently is not even running a single test.
Using test262-harness + node I've found issues with a few tests crashing, mostly in the built-ins/RegExp folder.
While I've got a new open issue on test262 to refactor the regexp tests, I don't think that's gonna happen so fast.
There's a work on the way for test262-harness to handle crashings from a runtime or node, but the 2.0.x version got released this week and now I still need to get it to work in my machine, which currently is not even running a single test.