Closed SWN-002 closed 3 years ago
Version 5.2.0 has been published, please update it and try again.
Unfortunately, the problem was still there when I set "Relative Location" by myself. Even I set disable download shelf, the extension STILL put the picture into a folder. You still keep the annoying function and unable to disable it.
The extension allow you download all images into one folder or download the images into their own folder. Could you describe what you exactly want to do?
I want to see multiple images in one folder, not a folder only have one single image. Like what the old version did.
I hope your group have someone can read Mandarin. I will use Mandarin to describe my question again. OK, 新版本增加「下載多張圖片時不做成壓縮檔」,這個功能很好,很實用。但是這時候發生一個問題,如果我設定將下載路徑設定在Download底下的子資料夾時,就會發生「即使只下載單張圖片,也會被強制放在同名的資料夾下」,這部份就非常讓我頭痛,因為我在整理時還得多一個動作去把圖從資料夾裡面拿出來,明明舊版本就不會另外建一個資料夾放圖,為什麼新版本偏偏要多此一舉?
There is one group, just me.
With the new version. Even when download only single picture, the extention still put it into a folder. Please, NO. It is REALLY annoying. Please REMOVE it! I don't want any compressed file and an only one file folder.