leofansq / Tools_RosBag2KITTI

Conversion from ROSBAG (.bag) to image (.png) and points cloud (.bin), including ROSBAG decoding, pcd2bin and file directory extraction.
MIT License
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cmake error #4

Open star0w opened 4 years ago

star0w commented 4 years ago

I have encountered with the error: CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:1: Parse error. Expected a command name, got unquoted argument with text "/opt/ros/melodic/share/catkin/cmake/toplevel.cmake".

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! maybe you can give me some advice?

leofansq commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the late reply. I'm not sure about the error. Maybe you can check the CMake version, and check if there is any utf8 problem.

YoushaaMurhij commented 4 years ago

Remove the CMakeList.txt file and rebuild your workspace catkin_make

alixiansen91 commented 4 years ago

引发了未经处理的异常:读取访问权限冲突。 dirp 是 nullptr。 请问这个问题你们遇到过吗?应该怎么解决的

459737087 commented 2 years ago

I also met this problem, and this process didn't work

Remove the CMakeList.txt file and rebuild your workspace catkin_make

furkan-luleci commented 2 years ago

Same here. Removing CMakeLists.txt did not work for me to do catkin_make