leofansq / Tools_RosBag2KITTI

Conversion from ROSBAG (.bag) to image (.png) and points cloud (.bin), including ROSBAG decoding, pcd2bin and file directory extraction.
MIT License
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bin kitti pcd pcd2bin ros tools


2D images and 3D points cloud are the two most commonly used data of intelligent vehicles, which are usually recorded in ROSBAG format via the ROS system in actual engineering practice. However, the visual and LiDAR data in the public dataset (e.g. KITTI) for research are saved as .png and .bin files respectively. To bridge the gap between engineering and research, this repository provides a tool to get .png and .bin from .bag.

How to use

(1) Decode ROSABG

The recorded ROSBAG are firstly decoded into .png for image and .pcd for points cloud.

(2) Convert .pcd to .bin

The points cloud is further converted from .pcd to .bin.

(3) Create file list

Generate the list of the subset files for training or validation, e.g. train.txt and val.txt in KITTI.