leonmakise / ProRes

ProRes: Exploring Degradation-aware Visual Prompt for Universal Image Restoration
MIT License
85 stars 0 forks source link

Code Availability Request #2

Open Guaishou74851 opened 12 months ago

Guaishou74851 commented 12 months ago

Hello! I'm really excited about your work for universal image restoration. I can't wait to see and run the code. Will the code be released soon? Thank you so much for your very significant contributions! :)

wondervictor commented 11 months ago

Hi @Guaishou74851, thanks for your interest in ProRes, we're preparing for the public code and demos. Please stay tuned~🌹

chensming commented 11 months ago

Hi, bro, I am genuinely interested in your work. Could you please provide any information regarding when you plan to make the code publicly accessible? Thank you for your attention to this matter.

leonmakise commented 11 months ago

Hi @chensming , we are under the rebuttal phase right now.

The code would be released the mid of August. Once the code is ready, I will notify u. Thanks for your following.

chensming commented 10 months ago

Hi, bro. Looking forward to your code. All the best!