leostratus / lunchbattle

White Day Hackathon Project Repo
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Setup Jacky's machine #1

Open chancancode opened 12 years ago

chancancode commented 12 years ago
  1. Setup build tools (gcc, make) 1.1. [note: I think the version of gcc that comes with XCode will not let you build ruby 1.9.2-*. If you try, rvm will complain how it's llvm based and refuse to compile it. If that's the case, run rvm install 1.9.3, echo 'rvm use 1.9.3' > .rvmrc, cd . on root of local repo]
  2. git pull --rebase on local repo
  3. bundle install on local repo
  4. Get pow: see http://pow.cx/. Basically just do curl get.pow.cx | sh.
  5. ln -s path_to_local_repo ~/.pow/foodfight
  6. Visit http://foodfight.dev/ and you're set. (http:// is important if you're on chrome, at least on first visit. Otherwise chrome will try to do a google search on "foodfight.dev") Changes should be available immediately as you save any edits on the files.
  7. (Optionally, create a simple shell script that do this: git pull --rebase, rm path_to_local_repo/public/assets/*, rm path_to_local_repo/tmp/*, rake db:migrate, touch path_to_local_repo/tmp/restart.txt. This should fix most problems for her in case she's getting some sort of errors down the road.)
chancancode commented 12 years ago

I was doing some sysadmin stuff for work the other day, and apparently the best way to set up LLVM without having to install XCode is this:

  1. Go to https://developer.apple.com/downloads/index.action
  2. Login with a developer account, or create one
  3. Download the latest “Command Line Tools for XCode”
  4. Mount the dmg and run the installer

This does not include gcc-4.2, so with this you can only install ruby 1.9.3-p125+. If you need 1.9.2 or 1.8.7, then you should first install this before you install the Apple command line tools (you'll need both).

leostratus commented 12 years ago

Hey! We haven't forgotten about this, I think Jacky and I have just been busy with work. For me especially, I'm trying to coordinate another hackathon (NASA Space Apps Challenge! http://www.spaceappschallenge.com You might want to sign up. :) ) AND I just started a new contract for another company on an entirely new framework I don't know - SproutCore.

Ahhhh! So much to learn. Wanted to let you know we haven't forgotten about Lunch Battle.

I can get this DMG and give it to Jacky since I'm a registered developer. She was having trouble downloading XCode via the App Store for some reason, it keeps timing out for her so this route might be the way to go. I don't think we need anything before 1.9.2 for her.

chancancode commented 12 years ago

Don't worry Angelina! I have been pretty busy too... so many interesting things happening lately, just went to #HackVAN this last saturday and it was a lot of fun (we won 3rd place :P) Guess we will just work on this whenever we have time and eventually we will get it done :)

Sprout Core - IIRC, it's the Apple-sponsored JS framework?

Anyways, back to the issue being discussed here. Now I think about it, she will probably install BOTH the osx-gcc-installer (linked in the bottom of my last comment) AND the apple command line tools. (The reason is some native gems do not play nice with LLVM. And perhaps some of her existing tools doesn't work on 1.9.3) And it's probably better if she install the gcc thing BEFORE installing the Apple tools.