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Update Needed: Closure of Linked PR in document #55

Closed steadily-worked closed 5 months ago

steadily-worked commented 5 months ago

Hi, while i was trying to get info about The Jetbrains intellij-rust plugin (https://book.leptos.dev/getting_started/leptos_dx.html#admonition-info), i found that this open PR is now closed. so I'd like to propose an update to reflect the closure of the PR linked in the document.

As the GitHub repository it targeted has been deprecated(see https://github.com/intellij-rust/intellij-rust?tab=readme-ov-file#deprecation-notice). Therefore, the information provided is no longer valid.

gbj commented 5 months ago

I see the comment continues

Update (2023/10/02): The intellij-rust plugin got deprecated in favor of RustRover at the same time the PR was opened, but an official support request was made to integrate the contents of this PR.

The PR linked in the earlier section was by @sebadob, who may be able to provide some additional update on the RustRover support request.

sebadob commented 5 months ago

Unfortunately, not really. I created the PR, which has been ignored by jetbrains and I reached out to them a few times regarding implementing this into Rust Rover, but got no answer either. At some point I just decided to close the PR and cleaned up my repos, because they simply did not care at all. I guess we should maybe just remove this section from the docs. I don't think that they will do something about this in the near future.

gbj commented 5 months ago

Ok thanks -- have removed it for now.