Hi all I've some problem with flutterslidable on onDismissed function it's work when dismiss the last item but I don't know why when do it when the first or middle item it's error
The following assertion was thrown building SlidableDismissal(state:
SlidableDismissalState#a0f44(ticker inactive)):
A dismissed Slidable widget is still part of the tree.
Make sure to implement the onDismissed handle of the ActionPane and to immediately remove the
Slidable widget from the application once that handler has fired.
I need some help please and this my code on startActionPane:
Hi all I've some problem with flutterslidable on onDismissed function it's work when dismiss the last item but I don't know why when do it when the first or middle item it's error :═╡ EXCEPTION CAUGHT BY WIDGETS LIBRARY ╞═ The following assertion was thrown building SlidableDismissal(state: SlidableDismissalState#a0f44(ticker inactive)): A dismissed Slidable widget is still part of the tree. Make sure to implement the onDismissed handle of the ActionPane and to immediately remove the Slidable widget from the application once that handler has fired.
I need some help please and this my code on startActionPane: