levan92 / deep_sort_realtime

A really more real-time adaptation of deep sort
MIT License
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Training example #28

Closed YaroslavPavlovich closed 2 years ago

YaroslavPavlovich commented 2 years ago

I want to make custom PyTorch model, is here any example with training code?

levan92 commented 2 years ago

The PyTorch models used in this repo are models to get appearance features. See deep_sort_realtime/embedder/embedder_pytorch.py. The following models are provided by default in this repo:

  1. Mobilenetv2 (pretrained imagenet): the implementation is from torchvision https://pytorch.org/vision/stable/_modules/torchvision/models/mobilenetv2.html. To train/finetune, you can follow any pytorch tutorial for training, like this: https://pytorch.org/tutorials/beginner/transfer_learning_tutorial.html.
  2. Torchreid person re-identification models: we additionally support to directly use torchreid models. These models are specifically trained on person re-identification datasets (meaning they will be good at differentiating different person identities. Similarly, to train them, please refer to instructions on torchreid's repo.