Closed rsrc1147 closed 11 years ago
+1 to this.
I'm afriad that I'm new enough to WordPress that I can't follow the installation instructions that come with this plugin. Specifically, I don't understand where to put the code files on the webserver (blank WP 3.4.2 install) nor where the quoted php code should be inserted.
Apologies for this (I'm sure) trivial query.
Thanks, Rob
Please point us in the right direction. Do we need to include this in our theme functions.php or in acf.php ?
For those who are having a hard time installing this add on. This is what I did:
' if(function_exists('register_field')) { register_field('Users_field', dirname(File) . '/acf/users_field.php'); } '
That is all you need to do to get this working.
I have improved the installation page as per trewknowledge's additions
Sorry - I know I should know this but to install the add on, I have uploaded it into my plugins folder, but where do I put the registration code? And if it is in my plugins folder are you able to give an example of what I might enter as the direct path please?
Thank you and sorry again! James