lexus2k / ssd1306

Driver for SSD1306, SSD1331, SSD1351, IL9163, ILI9341, ST7735, PCD8544, Nokia 5110 displays running on Arduino/ESP32/Linux (Rasperry) platforms
MIT License
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ATtiny84 support ? #39

Closed classic-audio closed 6 years ago

classic-audio commented 6 years ago

Please provide the following information:

library version ssd1306

OLED display type ssd1306

Steps to reproduce the issue -

Expected behavior - load the sketch to ATtiny84

Actual behavior - errors - no loading

The sketch / drivers work with ATtiny85 - really great. But I need more I/O's and would like to use the ATtiny 84. What changes do I need to do?

lexus2k commented 6 years ago


you didn't tell me what type of communication you need (i2c or spi), but I suggest that AttinyX4 series has similar hardware modules as AttinyX5 series. So, I committed update for the library, which enables the same options for Attiny84 as for Attiny85: e147530. Please, check latest master branch and let me know. Unfortunately, I don't have Attiny84 hardware to verify.

classic-audio commented 6 years ago

Hello, thank you vey much for a fast reply. I am using i2c. I have downloaded the opdated library and loade my sketch to ATtiny84. Now the load process is running without any issues, but the diplay is "black". I loaded a sketch with different drivers and all is working . I am using the "recommended" ATtiny connections for the display SDA -> pin 7 and SCL -> pin9

lexus2k commented 6 years ago

Could you please send me your sketch or part of sketch code, which does library initialization.

classic-audio commented 6 years ago

ATtinySketch.pdf I am not shure if the attached file to my mail was availble for you - but here is a PDF version

lexus2k commented 6 years ago

Thanks. Well, when they are talking about "recommended" connections for i2c, first of all they mean physical pin numbers: SDA(7), SCL(9). But physical pin numbers is not the same as logical - according to the picture below the logical pins should be SDA(6) and SCL(4). Attiny84 layout

Software implementation of SSD1306 library doesn't use recommended pins by default, because, software implementation can work on any pins. And by default, it uses SCL(5) and SDA(4). Try to use different initialization function like in example below:

void setup()
    ssd1306_128x64_i2c_initEx(4, 6, 0);

I will update library to use recommended pins on Attiny84 by default.

classic-audio commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much, Now it works. SCL to Pin 8 SDA to Pin 9

And ..... no problem for me - I did use pin according to recommended and the othe earlier driver I have been using. And I could have asked which pin you prefer. So you dont need ot change anything for me. I have a working setup now.

I really like you drivers, because of the possibilities also for the small versions of Arduino. And it is possible to develop using the Uno which I am using and later load to the ATtiny.

Thank you very much again - have a nice day.

classic-audio commented 6 years ago

............ and by using your suggestion void setup() { ssd1306_128x64_i2c_initEx(4, 6, 0); ssd1306_clearScreen(); txt(); } the suggested pin works. SDA to pin 7 SCL to pin 9

So everything works just great.

classic-audio commented 6 years ago

I intent to use only 2 variable. AC voltages measured on A1 and A2 (analogRead) function. I need a few calculations of course and I have the two results.

How can I show these results on the ssd1306? As far as I can see - no numbers can be displayed as numbers but need to be converted to a string.

When I convert these two numbers using:

char tmp0[8]; dtostrf(Vrms[0],4,0,tmp0); char tmp1[8]; dtostrf(Vrms[1],4,0,tmp1);

ssd1306_setFixedFont(courier_new_font11x16_digits ); ssd1306_printFixed( 1,40, tmp0, STYLE_NORMAL); ssd1306_printFixed(68,40, tmp1, STYLE_NORMAL);

The above code uses about 2000 bytes of program storage. This is a very big problem.

How can I display numbers without spending that much program storage?

lexus2k commented 6 years ago

There is helper class Ssd1306Console. So, you could try to write the following code (do not forget to include ssd1331_api.h and ssd1306_console.h):

#include "ssd1306.h"
#include "ssd1331_api.h"
#include "ssd1306_console.h"

Ssd1306Console  console;

void setup()
    /* Replace the line below with the display initialization function, you want to use */
    /* Set font to use with console */

void loop()
    int voltage = 10;
    /* Here use any methods, provided by Arduino Print class */
    console.print( "Voltage: " );
    console.print( voltage );
classic-audio commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much. I will try that of course. That means I msut cahnge to another display with the SSD1331 driver.

I now have a complete - working project (using the previus metode) using 90% of program space of the ATtiny85. The project is a Vrms voltage monitor for an audio test system. Everything works just great. Again thank you very much for a great driver and fast help.

lexus2k commented 6 years ago

You don't need to switch to another display driver. Just try the example with ssd1306 display ;) ssd1331_setCursor8 is just API name. This function will work with all displays.

classic-audio commented 6 years ago

Great - thank you. Now I see your point.

lexus2k commented 6 years ago

You're welcome :)

lexus2k commented 6 years ago

In latest version on master branch I've added setCursor method to Ssd1306Console, so, you can write:

void loop()
    int voltage = 10;
    /* Here use any methods, provided by Arduino Print class */
    console.print( "Voltage: " );
    console.print( voltage );
classic-audio commented 6 years ago

This is a great improvement which is more easy to use because this is similar with other drivers and serial monitor. Thanks.

lexus2k commented 6 years ago

More improvements to follow. Let me know if something works wrong in console object.

lexus2k commented 6 years ago

1.7.0 with ATtiny84 support is released