lexus2k / tinyproto

Tiny Software Protocol for communication over UART, SPI, etc
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Arduino due doesn't seem to work #44

Open racarla96 opened 4 months ago

racarla96 commented 4 months ago

I am trying to see how the library works and I am trying to see what happens onReceive by trying to see the output through another serial port (arduino Due), this would be the code. Is there something I'm doing wrong or don't know? Thank you

#include <TinyProtocol.h>
// We need this hack for very small controllers.
#include <proto/fd/tiny_fd_int.h>

/* Creating protocol object is simple. Lets define 48 bytes as maximum. *
   size for the packet and use 4 packets in outgoing queue.             */
tinyproto::Fd<FD_MIN_BUF_SIZE(48, 4)>  proto;

void onReceive(void *udata, tinyproto::IPacket &pkt)
//  for (int i = 0; i < pkt.size(); i++)
//  {
//    Serial3.print(pkt.getByte());
//    Serial3.print(" ");
//  }
//  Serial3.println();

  if (proto.write(pkt) == TINY_ERR_TIMEOUT )
    // Do what you need to do if there is no place to put new frame to.
    // But never use blocking operations inside callback

void setup()
  /* No timeout, since we want non-blocking UART operations. */
  /* Initialize serial protocol for test purposes */
  /* Lets use 8-bit checksum, available on all platforms */
  /* Lets process all incoming frames */
  proto.setReceiveCallback( onReceive );
  /* Redirect all protocol communication to Serial0 UART */


void loop()
  if (Serial.available())
    proto.run_rx([](void *p, void *b, int s)->int { return Serial.readBytes((uint8_t *)b, s); });
  proto.run_tx([](void *p, const void *b, int s)->int { return Serial.write((const uint8_t *)b, s); });
racarla96 commented 3 months ago

The library seems to work to communicate with the example program with the stable v1 api, but it does not allow any further action to be executed, it seems to get stuck in the call: -> proto.run_rx([](void p, void b, int s)->int { return Serial.readBytes((uint8_t *)b, s); }); And I don't know how to continue to debug the problem.

lexus2k commented 3 months ago

@racarla96 Did you set timeout for Serial object to zero / or small value.

By default Serial has too big timeouts (maybe infinite one)