lhllhx / PT_signin

241 stars 113 forks source link

##[error]Process completed with exit code 1. #3

Closed bao3 closed 3 years ago

bao3 commented 3 years ago


我的配置上传了,然后点了 Star,看到 build 是绿色的,以为签到通过,但是检查完整日志时,看到实际操作终止了,如下是片段日志:

2021-05-15T14:49:26.5548460Z Archive:  config.zip
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5549413Z   inflating: config.yml              
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5771072Z ##[group]Run cd ~/.flexget
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5771641Z cd ~/.flexget
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5772270Z flexget --loglevel debug execute >/dev/null 2>&1    
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5808793Z shell: /bin/bash -e {0}
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5809227Z env:
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5810028Z   pythonLocation: /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.10/x64
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5811341Z   LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.10/x64/lib
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5811943Z ##[endgroup]
2021-05-15T14:49:32.6149464Z ##[error]Process completed with exit code 1.


2021-05-15T14:49:26.5397075Z ##[group]Run touch db-config.sqlite
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5397842Z touch db-config.sqlite
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5398432Z unzip -P $zip -o config.zip 
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5399284Z rm -f  config.zip
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5399885Z cp -r  $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/.flexget/ ~/.flexget
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5400673Z cp -r  config.yml ~/.flexget
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5401273Z cp -r  db-config.sqlite ~/.flexget
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5401875Z rm -f  db-config.sqlite
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5402389Z rm -f  config.yml
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5402808Z rm -f  *.log
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5438561Z shell: /bin/bash -e {0}
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5438984Z env:
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5439573Z   pythonLocation: /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.10/x64
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5440367Z   LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.10/x64/lib
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5441731Z   zip: ***
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5442118Z ##[endgroup]
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5548460Z Archive:  config.zip
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5549413Z   inflating: config.yml              
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5771072Z ##[group]Run cd ~/.flexget
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5771641Z cd ~/.flexget
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5772270Z flexget --loglevel debug execute >/dev/null 2>&1    
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5808793Z shell: /bin/bash -e {0}
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5809227Z env:
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5810028Z   pythonLocation: /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.10/x64
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5811341Z   LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.10/x64/lib
2021-05-15T14:49:26.5811943Z ##[endgroup]
2021-05-15T14:49:32.6149464Z ##[error]Process completed with exit code 1.
2021-05-15T14:49:32.6210869Z ##[group]Run cd $GITHUB_WORKSPACE
2021-05-15T14:49:32.6211842Z cd $GITHUB_WORKSPACE
2021-05-15T14:49:32.6213490Z cp -r ~/.flexget/db-config.sqlite $GITHUB_WORKSPACE
2021-05-15T14:49:32.6214349Z cp -r ~/.flexget/config.yml $GITHUB_WORKSPACE
2021-05-15T14:49:32.6215034Z cp -r ~/.flexget/*.log $GITHUB_WORKSPACE
2021-05-15T14:49:32.6216002Z zip -P $zip config.zip config.yml db-config.sqlite *.log
2021-05-15T14:49:32.6250076Z shell: /bin/bash -e {0}
2021-05-15T14:49:32.6250521Z env:
2021-05-15T14:49:32.6251135Z   pythonLocation: /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.10/x64
2021-05-15T14:49:32.6252465Z   LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.10/x64/lib
2021-05-15T14:49:32.6254065Z   zip: ***
2021-05-15T14:49:32.6254451Z ##[endgroup]
2021-05-15T14:49:32.6461360Z   adding: config.yml (deflated 45%)
2021-05-15T14:49:32.6544788Z   adding: db-config.sqlite (deflated 98%)
2021-05-15T14:49:32.6557793Z   adding: flexget.log (deflated 79%)
2021-05-15T14:49:32.6598212Z ##[group]Run rm -f config.yml
2021-05-15T14:49:32.6599282Z rm -f config.yml
2021-05-15T14:49:32.6599838Z rm -f db-config.sqlite
2021-05-15T14:49:32.6600508Z rm -f *.log
2021-05-15T14:49:32.6600967Z #rm -rf /.flexget 
2021-05-15T14:49:32.6637894Z shell: /bin/bash -e {0}
2021-05-15T14:49:32.6638307Z env:
2021-05-15T14:49:32.6638872Z   pythonLocation: /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.10/x64
2021-05-15T14:49:32.6639643Z   LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.10/x64/lib
2021-05-15T14:49:32.6640217Z ##[endgroup]
lhllhx commented 3 years ago

为保证隐私,项目不会在github action页面输出关键部分的运行结果,详情请下载私人仓库里的压缩包进行查看,关键部分运行结果会输出到压缩包里的log文件。


请提交log记录和配置文件 注意隐藏自己的私密信息

bao3 commented 3 years ago

原因是配置文件里使用 tab 不当引起的。已经修正。

shadowsocke commented 2 years ago

为保证隐私,项目不会在github action页面输出关键部分的运行结果,详情请下载私人仓库里的压缩包进行查看,关键部分运行结果会输出到压缩包里的log文件。


请提交log记录和配置文件 注意隐藏自己的私密信息 之前好好的,从9号开始就不行了: 2021-12-14 09:35:31 DEBUG manager invalid config, rolling back 2021-12-14 09:35:31 CRITICAL manager Failed to load config file: Did not pass schema validation. 2021-12-14 09:35:31 DEBUG manager Removed /home/runner/.flexget/.config-lock

lhllhx commented 2 years ago

log提示是配置文件格式出错 建议重新检查配置文件
若无法解决建议全部删了重来一次 我这里没有问题

shadowsocke commented 2 years ago

log提示是配置文件格式出错 建议重新检查配置文件 若无法解决建议全部删了重来一次 我这里没有问题

还是不行啊 以前可以的 应该不是配置问题

      user-agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.111 Safari/537.36'
      max_workers: 1
      get_messages: no #设为no跳过获取未读信息。默认no
      get_details: yes #设为no跳过获取统计。默认yes      
      aipocr:  #baidu ocr参数
        app_id: 'xxx'
        api_key: 'xxx'
        secret_key: 'xxx'
      #https://github.com/lhllhx/flexget_qbittorrent_mod/tree/master/ptsites 下存在需要的站点 只需配置相应的 主域名: cookie 
      #   1ptba: xxxxxxxx
      # #部分cookie过期太快,而改用模拟登陆的站点,如以下站点 无此站点的请删除,请删除
      #   filelist:
      #     login:
      #       username: xxxxxxxx
      #       password: xxxxxxxx
      #   hdpost:
      #     login:
      #       usernameOrEmail: xxxxxxxx
      #       password: xxxxxxxx
      #   ourbits:
      #     # ourbits 在同时配置了cookie 和 login 时,会忽略login 使用cookie签到 
      #     cookie: xxxxxxxx
      #     login:
      #       username: xxxxxxxx
      #       password: xxxxxxxx
      #   skyey2:
      #     login:
      #       username: xxxxxxxx
      #       password: xxxxxxxx
      #   m-team:
      #     login:
      #       username: 'xxxxxxxx'
      #       password: 'xxxxxxxx'
      #       #二次验证, 扫描二维码得到文本 otpauth://totp/*****:****?secret=[secret_key]&issuer=***** (只取[secret_key]部分)
      #       secret_key: <secret_key>
      #   #u2特殊设置 无此站点的请删除
      #   dmhy:
      #     username: <username>
      #     cookie: 'xxxxxxx'
      #     # 五个字符以上签到留言
      #     comment: <comment>
      #     ocr_config:
      #       # 重试次数
      #       retry: 3
      #       # 最低识别字符数
      #       char_count: 3
      #       # 最低匹配分数
      #       score: 50     
            cookie: xxx
            cookie: xxx

    accept_all: yes
        - title
        always_send: true
        message: |+
          {%- if task.accepted -%}
          {%- for group in task.accepted|groupby('task') -%}
          FlexGet has just signed in {{ group.list|length }} sites for task {{ group.grouper }}:
          {% for entry in group.list %}
          {{ loop.index }}: {{ entry.title }} {{ entry.result }}
          {%- if entry.messages|d('') %}
          Messages: {{ entry.messages }}
          {% endif %}
          {%- endfor -%}
          {%- endfor -%}
          {%- endif -%}
          {%- if task.failed %}
          {% for group in task.failed|groupby('task') %}
          The following sites have failed for task {{ group.grouper }}:
          {% for entry in group.list %}
          {{ loop.index }}: {{ entry.title }} Reason: {{ entry.reason|d('unknown') }}
          {%- if entry.messages|d('') %}
          Messages: {{ entry.messages }}
          {% endif %}
          {%- endfor -%}
          {%- endfor -%}
          {%- endif -%}
        via: #推送渠道选择 选择你需要的推送渠道 将不需要的删掉
          - wecom:  #微信
              corp_id: 'xxx'
              corp_secret: 'xxx'
              agent_id: 'xxx'
              to_user: 'xxx'
              image: 'details_report.png' 
          # - telegram_mod: #tg
          #     bot_token: ''
          #     image: 'details_report.png'
          #     recipients:
          #       - username: '' #注意这里是用户名,不是昵称,不带@
lhllhx commented 2 years ago

格式不对 看 #9 的解决方法