li6185377 / LKDBHelper-SQLite-ORM

全自动的插入,查询,更新,删除, an automatic database operation thread-safe and not afraid of recursive deadlock
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Update LKDBUtils.m #148

Closed WeMadeCode closed 4 years ago

WeMadeCode commented 4 years ago

This property is YES if the formatter generates the deprecated NSCalendarDate type, and is NO otherwise. You should use NSDate and NSCalendar rather than NSCalendarDate.

WeMadeCode commented 4 years ago

大佬,帮忙看下这次提交,需要这次代码解决问题 @li6185377

li6185377 commented 4 years ago

可以用 自定义序列化的 方案

/** simple set a column as "LKSQL_Mapping_UserCalculate" column name /



li6185377 commented 4 years ago

我看下 加个变量,支持全局设置

WeMadeCode commented 4 years ago

为何 还在用 NSCalendarDate?,这不是被废弃了么? NSCalendarDate有个严重问题,转NSString会变成空字符。

li6185377 commented 4 years ago


li6185377 commented 4 years ago

为何 还在用 NSCalendarDate?,这不是被废弃了么? NSCalendarDate有个严重问题,转NSString会变成空字符。


li6185377 commented 4 years ago

你可以用最新 2.5.5 的代码,修改对应属性

// LKDateFormatter 创建完毕, 可以修改对应属性
+ (void)onCreateWithDateFormatter:(NSDateFormatter *)dateFormatter;
WeMadeCode commented 4 years ago

