libertyernie / Nintendont

A Wii Homebrew Project to play GC Games on Wii and vWii on Wii U
9 stars 0 forks source link

Nintendont - libertyernie's build (preprocessor flags version)

Available preprocessor flags in this branch (define these in NintendontVersion.h):

To build on Windows, you might need to set the "windows" variable so the build process can find zip.exe:

$ windows=1 make

You'll also want to make sure the devkitpro folder with libwinpthread-1.dll is in your PATH.

.dol files (if any) are in the Releases section on GitHub.

Custom controls

When the preprocessor flag LI_CUSTOM_CONTROLS is enabled, the following changes will be made to Classic Controller and Classic Controller Pro button mappings. (Mappings for other controllers, like the Wii U GamePad and GameCube Controller, will not be changed.)

If LI_CUSTOM_CONTROLS and LI_SHOULDER are both enabled, the following changes will be made as well:


A Wii Homebrew Project to play GC Games on Wii and vWii on Wii U


Features: (Wii only)

What Nintendont will never support:

Quick Installation:

  1. Get the loader.dol, rename it to boot.dol and put it in /apps/Nintendont/ along with the files meta.xml and icon.png.
  2. Copy your GameCube games to the /games/ directory. Subdirectories are optional for 1-disc games in ISO/GCM and CISO format.
    • For 2-disc games, you should create a subdirectory /games/MYGAME/ (where MYGAME can be anything), then name disc 1 as "game.iso" and disc 2 as "disc2.iso".
    • For extracted FST, the FST must be located in a subdirectory, e.g. /games/FSTgame/sys/boot.bin .
  3. Connect your storage device to your Wii or Wii U and start The Homebrew Channel.
  4. Select Nintendont.


For compile Nintendont yourself, get the following versions of the toolchain compiling PPC tools:

These versions can be downloaded here:

On Windows, run the "Build.bat" batch script for build Nintendont.

On Unix, run the "" script.

Please use these specific versions for compiling Nintendont, because if you try to compile them on latest dkARM/dkPPC/libOGC, you'll get a lot of compiler warnings and your build will crash when attemping to return to Nintendont menu, so be warned about that.


Nintendont with XBOX360 controller support


Turn on LED and rumble




Get these versions: devkitppc r29-1, devkitarm r47 and libogc 1.8.16 and execute make.


This software comes without any warranty. I am not responsible for any damage to your devices. Please make backups!