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Peer Exchange Protocol #7

Open Stebalien opened 5 years ago

Stebalien commented 5 years ago

Not to be confused with #3.

We should have a global peer exchange protocol for exchanging information on peers wiling to perform some service and/or speak some protocol. This would implement the discovery ( interface and could be run in parallel to a dht-based discovery service to widen a search.

Basic protocol proposal:

message Request {
    // Service descriptions (arbitrary strings).
    repeated string services = 0;

    // Number of peers to return (0 means unlimited).
    int32 limit = 1;

message Response {
    repeated Peer peers = 0

message Peer {
    // Peer id
    bytes id = 0;

    // Addresses for the peer.
    repeated string addresses = 1

    // List of services the peer supports. Empty means "unspecified".
    // TODO: Should we use numbers and index into some table? Maybe index
    // into the table from the request?
    repeated string services = 2

    // Timestamp when the peer was last seen.
    // 0 for currently connected
    uint64 lastSeen = 3;
aschmahmann commented 5 years ago

This seems similar to the rendezvous protocol ( and libp2p/go-libp2p-rendezvous#1). A few clarifying questions about peer exchange and rendezvous:

If we were to implement such a proposal do you have any thoughts on whether we should blindly trust peers to relay the services of other peers, or if they should be relaying signed records detailing the provided services?

Stebalien commented 5 years ago

I'm proposing a complementary service with different pros/cons.

If we were to implement such a proposal do you have any thoughts on whether we should blindly trust peers to relay the services of other peers, or if they should be relaying signed records detailing the provided services?

Absolutely signed records (we should be doing the same for content routing). The randezvous servers should have signed records as well. However, we may need to mandate ed25519 to get signature sizes down.

(however, I'd be fine with a first version that doesn't sign anything as this won't be making anything worse than it is)

liamsi commented 3 years ago

Is there a prototype implementation of this already? Or some further design considerations? I see that a peer exchange protocol is now part of the roadmap but there the focus seems to be local networks only?

We, over at @celestiaorg are considering implementing a pex ontop of libp2p as well. There is also the idea to extract the pex mechanism that is used inside of gossipssub (as part of the v1.1 extensions) but I'm not really convinced this would be a good idea. Is there a way to be involved in the pex efforts?

TheRook commented 1 year ago

I think this is also important for the IoT part of the roadmap. Do you have a working RPC call? Or is your implamenation using pex as a side-channel?

Is there a prototype implementation of this already? Or some further design considerations? I see that a peer exchange protocol is now part of the roadmap but there the focus seems to be local networks only?

We, over at @celestiaorg are considering implementing a pex ontop of libp2p as well. There is also the idea to extract the pex mechanism that is used inside of gossipssub (as part of the v1.1 extensions) but I'm not really convinced this would be a good idea. Is there a way to be involved in the pex efforts?

thomaseizinger commented 11 months ago

I've started a new discussion that is related to this: