libp2p / specs

Technical specifications for the libp2p networking stack
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remove Noise Pipes and padding within payloads #260

Closed yusefnapora closed 4 years ago

yusefnapora commented 4 years ago

This PR removes Noise Pipes from the noise-libp2p spec, and also removes the padding within encrypted payloads.

Apologies to anyone who was waiting on this or was confused about the current state of the spec; this took me a lot longer than it should have :)

These changes bring the spec in line with the current Go and JavaScript implementations.

cc noise-libp2p IG: @raulk, @tomaka, @romanb, @shahankhatch, @Mikerah, @djrtwo, @dryajov, @mpetrunic, @AgeManning, @morrigan, @araskachoi, @mhchia