liferay / liferay-intellij-plugin

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Liferay IntelliJ Plugin

Install from jetbrains offical link

Confiugre plugin develop environment

This project need Java JDK version 17.

Building from source

If you would like to build from source, use this following command:

$ ./gradlew clean build

Once it finishes the locally built the IntelliJ Idea Plugin will be located here:


You can install this using Preferences > Plugins > Install plugin from disk... > Point to newly built zip file

Key features

Liferay Workspace

  1. Choose Liferay Workspace from left list

  2. Click Next button

  3. Type your Liferay Workspace Project Name and choose a Project Location or leave it default.

  4. Click Finish button and there will be one popup show up.

  5. Click OK to finish

Liferay Server

You must have one Liferay Workspace Project to do the following steps:

  1. Click Liferay > InitBundle

  2. Then the gradle will run initBundle task

  3. It will take several minutes to download the latest Liferay Server from remote if you don't have the local cache

  4. Click Edit configruration... on the right top corner

  5. Click the plus icon

  6. Choose Liferay Server

  7. You can leave the config values by default or change to what you want

  8. Click OK Bundle

  9. After you add a new Liferay Server, you can start or debug it

Liferay Module

You must have one Liferay Workspace Project to do the following steps:

  1. Choose Liferay Modules

  2. Depends on what template you choose, you can type Package Name, Class Name and Service Name

  3. Click Next Button

  4. Type Project Name and the location is not able to customize.

  5. Click Finish Button


After you get the Liferay Modules you can deploy them to running or debugging Liferay Server:

  1. Choose Liferay > Deploy

  2. When you see the log showing in the console view, you get your module successful deploying


After you get the Liferay Modules you can watch them on running or debugging Liferay Server:

  1. Choose Liferay > Watch

  2. When you see the gradle console output and the deplog log showing in the console view, you get your module successful deploying.

  3. You could keep the watch task running and it will listen on the changes of your coding.

  4. You could click red button to cancel the running watch task in Gradle Task view.

Better Editors for Liferay Files

  1. custom-sql/default.xml

  2. portlet-model-hints.xml

  3. Liferay Taglib Support for Jsp files(Ultimate Only)

  4. etc.


This library, Liferay IDE, is free software ("Licensed Software"); you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; including but not limited to, the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA