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VICRegL error when grid size is too big #1179

Open ibro45 opened 1 year ago

ibro45 commented 1 year ago


Run with transform = VICRegLTransform(n_local_views=0, global_grid_size=9) (default is global_grid_size=7).

If you run it on GPU, you'll get a very ugly CUDA error that doesn't say much. If you try it on CPU, you can backtrace it.


Calculating nearest_neighbors in VICRegLLoss's _nearest_neighbors_on_l2 and _nearest_neighbors_on_grid causes the above error. What happens is that the calculated indices in min_indices are sometimes out of bound for the given input:

That's as far as I've gotten, I haven't looked further into it and do not understand what exactly is going on. I believe that your implementation is correct, but it would be useful to catch the error when the specified grid size is too big and provide a useful error message to the user.

guarin commented 1 year ago

Hi, our VICRegL implementation makes the assumption that the features passed to the loss have the same size as the grid. So if you are using a resnet18 with 224px input images you get 7x7xdim output features as resnet downsamples inputs by a factor 32. This is why the grid size in the transform is set to 7. Similarly, for the local views we have 96px inputs and grid size 3 as 96/32 = 3.

What we probably should do is add a check in the forward pass of the loss that verifies that the number of features and grid size are equal.

ibro45 commented 1 year ago

Oh, I see! Thank you!

Let's say we have resnet18 and a 224x96 global view instead of 224x224; in that case, the grid should be 7x3, right?

guarin commented 1 year ago

Yes :) Although grid size is currently fixed to a single number (same width as height), so 7x3 won't be possible.

ibro45 commented 1 year ago

Certainly, I had to override it for 3D anyway, so not an issue 😁 thank you so much!

Would it be useful to catch the error thoiguh? Simply checking if the max value of min_indices is out of bound for input_maps or candidate_maps would do. Let me know and I'll do a PR

guarin commented 1 year ago

I believe we should test in vicregloss forward that the features have the same dimension as the grid:

PR would be very much appreciated!