lightning / bolts

BOLT: Basis of Lightning Technology (Lightning Network Specifications)
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Submit `lightning:` as an IANA-recognized URI #534

Closed wbobeirne closed 1 week ago

wbobeirne commented 5 years ago

In order to get better browser adoption, the BOLT-11 lightning:...URIs should be added to the big list: This is important for things such as the allow lightning to be in the permitted URIs for registerProtocolHandler.

I'm not exactly sure how one takes the lead on doing this, or if it's already in the works.

melvincarvalho commented 5 years ago

Someone wishing to register a new scheme MUST:

  1. Check the IANA "Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Schemes" registry to see whether there is already an entry for the desired name. If there is already an entry under the name, choose a different scheme name or update the existing scheme specification.

  2. Prepare a scheme registration request using the template specified in Section 7.4. The scheme registration request can be contained in an Internet-Draft, submitted alone, or as part of some other permanently available, stable, protocol specification. The scheme registration request can also be submitted in some other form (as part of another document or as a stand-alone document), but the scheme registration request will be treated as an "IETF Contribution" under the guidelines of [RFC5378].

  3. If the registration request is for a 'permanent' registration (or, optionally, for any other registration if desired):

    1. Review the requirements in Section 3.

    2. Send a copy of the scheme registration request or a pointer to the document containing the request (with specific reference to the section that requests the scheme registration) to the mailing list, requesting review. In addition, request review on other relevant mailing lists as appropriate. For example, general discussion of URI syntactical issues can be discussed on; schemes for a network protocol can be discussed on a mailing list for that protocol. Allow a reasonable time for discussion and comments. Four weeks is reasonable for a 'permanent' registration request.

    3. Respond to review comments and make revisions to the proposed registration as needed to bring it into line with the guidelines given in this document.


ysangkok commented 4 years ago

See also #206

t-bast commented 1 week ago

It seems like nobody is taking the lead on this: I'm not sure having an open issue for it makes sense. Closing for now, if someone takes the lead on this they can open a new issue for tracking.