lijinbella / GPS

Guide Positioning Sequencing Toolkit for DNA methylation detection
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Guide Positioning Sequencing Toolkit (GPS) is a utility suite for analyzing data generated by Guide Positioning Sequencing experiments. Read2 sequence is as same as genome DNA while Read1 is bisulfite-treated in GPS experiment. GPS was written to perform sequencing alignment and DNA methylation calling.

Download and Install

Please download the file named

$ unzip $ cd GPS_Toolkit_version_0


Index reference for alignment

GPS index files are collections of each chromosome file in fasta format with no line break in the sequence.

Remove duplicates

$ paste R1 R2 |awk '{if(NR%4==2) print $0}'|uniq > test_step1 ./software/ test_step1

Read alignment

$ bowtie2 -x /reference/bowtie2Indices/hg19 -f test_step12 -k 20 -p 10 --omit-sec-seq -S test_step123.sam

$ ./software/sam2bed < test_step123.sam > test_step123.bed -d

$ awk '{printf(""%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\n"",$4,""*"",$6,$1,$2)}' test_step123.bed > test_step1234

$ ./software/sw_7.0 test_step1234 /reference/GPS_index_files/ test_step12345 /software/score_matrix_n.txt /software/score_matrix_p.txt 475 6 20 test_step1234_unmap

The file test_step12345 contained the information of cytosine location, methylation level and coverage.