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readdir in C/C++ #37

Closed coolwanglu closed 9 years ago

coolwanglu commented 9 years ago


atoi()如果给的字符串不是整数,是undefined behavior

lilydjwg commented 9 years ago


farseerfc commented 9 years ago

@coolwanglu 你給的那個鏈接:

The string can contain additional characters after those that form the integral number, which are ignored and have no effect on the behavior of this function.

If the first sequence of non-whitespace characters in str is not a valid integral number, or if no such sequence exists because either str is empty or it contains only whitespace characters, no conversion is performed and zero is returned.

If the converted value would be out of the range of representable values by an int, it causes undefined behavior.


大多數Linux上pid 0是個內核線程所以也不會出現在/proc,所以用 >0 判斷就夠了吧。 似乎有的android上pid 0是init,我不知道需不需要考慮這個環境……

coolwanglu commented 9 years ago


farseerfc commented 9 years ago

原來C++有std::stoi啊,這是我孤陋寡聞了……還自己實現了一個str2i…… 似乎stoi也不是UB: 似乎是C++11開始有的……嗯一會兒去把C++14的改成stoi……

coolwanglu commented 9 years ago

我正在尝试优化c++14 UB是啥

farseerfc commented 9 years ago

Undefined behavior……

farseerfc commented 9 years ago

加油! 不過C++14似乎已經比C++98快了…所以不知道有多少優化的空間… 以及我實現了一個用openmp的C++98版本在PR裏,只加了兩行omp指示符,用多線程之後可以比C的單線程快不少…… 趕腳C要用openmp需要挺大工作量所以就還沒改……

coolwanglu commented 9 years ago

openmp 不是作弊吗 :D

2015-01-07 13:54 GMT+08:00 Jiachen Yang

加油! 不過C++14似乎已經比C++98快了…所以不知道有多少優化的空間… 以及我實現了一個用openmp的C++98版本在PR裏,只加了兩行omp指示符,用多線程之後可以比C的單線程快不少…… 趕腳C要用openmp需要挺大工作量所以就還沒改……

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farseerfc commented 9 years ago


coolwanglu commented 9 years ago


coolwanglu commented 9 years ago


farseerfc commented 9 years ago

嗯會拋異常,然後再catch住嘛,別的很多語言裏都是這麼寫的…… 性能怎樣就不知道了……