~ go get -v -u github.com/limetext/backend/...
github.com/limetext/backend (download)
unrecognized import path "bytes": import path does not begin with hostname
unrecognized import path "encoding/json": import path does not begin with hostname
unrecognized import path "fmt": import path does not begin with hostname
github.com/atotto/clipboard (download)
unrecognized import path "os/exec": import path does not begin with hostname
github.com/limetext/log4go (download)
unrecognized import path "encoding/xml": import path does not begin with hostname
unrecognized import path "errors": import path does not begin with hostname
unrecognized import path "io": import path does not begin with hostname
unrecognized import path "io/ioutil": import path does not begin with hostname
unrecognized import path "net": import path does not begin with hostname
unrecognized import path "os": import path does not begin with hostname
unrecognized import path "runtime": import path does not begin with hostname
unrecognized import path "strconv": import path does not begin with hostname
unrecognized import path "strings": import path does not begin with hostname
unrecognized import path "sync": import path does not begin with hostname
unrecognized import path "time": import path does not begin with hostname
github.com/limetext/util (download)
unrecognized import path "regexp": import path does not begin with hostname
unrecognized import path "sort": import path does not begin with hostname
unrecognized import path "unicode": import path does not begin with hostname
github.com/rjeczalik/notify (download)
unrecognized import path "log": import path does not begin with hostname
unrecognized import path "path/filepath": import path does not begin with hostname
unrecognized import path "sync/atomic": import path does not begin with hostname
unrecognized import path "unsafe": import path does not begin with hostname
github.com/limetext/loaders (download)
github.com/limetext/text (download)
unrecognized import path "reflect": import path does not begin with hostname
unrecognized import path "runtime/debug": import path does not begin with hostname
github.com/quarnster/parser (download)
unrecognized import path "container/list": import path does not begin with hostname
unrecognized import path "unicode/utf8": import path does not begin with hostname
unrecognized import path "image/color": import path does not begin with hostname
github.com/limetext/rubex (download)
unrecognized import path "path": import path does not begin with hostname
~ go get -v -u github.com/limetext/backend/... github.com/limetext/backend (download) unrecognized import path "bytes": import path does not begin with hostname unrecognized import path "encoding/json": import path does not begin with hostname unrecognized import path "fmt": import path does not begin with hostname github.com/atotto/clipboard (download) unrecognized import path "os/exec": import path does not begin with hostname github.com/limetext/log4go (download) unrecognized import path "encoding/xml": import path does not begin with hostname unrecognized import path "errors": import path does not begin with hostname unrecognized import path "io": import path does not begin with hostname unrecognized import path "io/ioutil": import path does not begin with hostname unrecognized import path "net": import path does not begin with hostname unrecognized import path "os": import path does not begin with hostname unrecognized import path "runtime": import path does not begin with hostname unrecognized import path "strconv": import path does not begin with hostname unrecognized import path "strings": import path does not begin with hostname unrecognized import path "sync": import path does not begin with hostname unrecognized import path "time": import path does not begin with hostname github.com/limetext/util (download) unrecognized import path "regexp": import path does not begin with hostname unrecognized import path "sort": import path does not begin with hostname unrecognized import path "unicode": import path does not begin with hostname github.com/rjeczalik/notify (download) unrecognized import path "log": import path does not begin with hostname unrecognized import path "path/filepath": import path does not begin with hostname unrecognized import path "sync/atomic": import path does not begin with hostname unrecognized import path "unsafe": import path does not begin with hostname github.com/limetext/loaders (download) github.com/limetext/text (download) unrecognized import path "reflect": import path does not begin with hostname unrecognized import path "runtime/debug": import path does not begin with hostname github.com/quarnster/parser (download) unrecognized import path "container/list": import path does not begin with hostname unrecognized import path "unicode/utf8": import path does not begin with hostname unrecognized import path "image/color": import path does not begin with hostname github.com/limetext/rubex (download) unrecognized import path "path": import path does not begin with hostname