limneos / classdump-dyld

Class-dump any Mach-o file without extracting it from dyld_shared_cache
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Major update

As of February 5 2016, I have added cycript integration.

You can now dlopen /usr/lib/libclassdumpdyld.dylib in cycript after injecting any application,

and dlsym the dumpClass and dumpBundle functions.

extern "C" NSString * dumpClass(Class *aClass);

extern "C" NSString * dumpBundle(NSBundle *aBundle);

extern "C" NSString * dumpBundleForClass(Class *aClass);

This is extremely useful in cases when classdump-dyld cannot inject and dump applications.

(This makes weak_classdump project obsolete)

A typical usage in cycript would be:

#cycript -p SpringBoard

@import net.limneos.classdumpdyld;

@"Wrote file /tmp/SpringBoard.h"

classdumpdyld.dumpBundle([NSBundle mainBundle]);
@"Wrote all headers to /tmp/SpringBoard"

// Dump any bundle other than the main bundle 
classdumpdyld.dumpBundle([NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier:@""]);
@"Wrote all headers to /tmp/UIKit"

// Dump any image loaded in the process using any class name it contains
@"Wrote all headers to /tmp/CallBar7"

General Info

Added 64bit executables dumping and single class dumping

A class dumping command line tool that generates header files from app binaries, libraries, frameworks, bundles or the whole dyld_shared_cache.

Eliminates the need to extract files from the dyld_shared_cache in order to class-dump them or get symbols.

Mass-dumps whole dyld_shared_cache or directories containing any mach-o file recursively.

You can instantly classdump any compatible Mach-o file, either if it is physically stored on disk or it resides in the dyld_shared_cache.

Features and options:

You can find a recursive sample output on this project under iphoneheaders. It also works on a Mac for dyld_shared_cache and some libraries

Usage: classdump-dyld [<options>] <filename|framework>

       classdump-dyld [<options>] -r <sourcePath>


        -g   Generate symbol names 
        -h   Add a \"Headers\" directory to place headers in
        -b   Build original directory structure in output dir
        -u   Do not include framework when importing headers ("Header.h" instead of <frameworkName/Header.h>)

        -o   <outputdir> Save generated headers to defined path

    Single Class:
        -j   <className> Dump only the specified class name. (Does not work with -c or -r )
                    This might also dump additional imported or required headers.

    Mass dumping: (requires -o)
        -c   Dump all images found in dyld_shared_cache 
        -r   <sourcepath> Recursively dump any compatible Mach-O file found in the given path (requires -o) 
        -s   In a recursive dump, skip header files already found in the same output directory 

        -D   Enable debug printing for troubleshooting errors
        -e   dpopen 32Bit executables instead of injecting them (iOS 5+, use if defaults fail.This will skip any 64bit executable) 
        -a   In a recursive dump, include 'Applications' directories (skipped by default)
        Example 1: classdump-dyld -o outdir /System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework
        Example 2: classdump-dyld -o outdir /usr/libexec/backboardd
        Example 3 (recursive): classdump-dyld -o outdir -c  (Dumps all files residing in dyld_shared_cache)
        Example 4 (recursive): classdump-dyld -o outdir -r /Applications
        Example 5 (recursive): classdump-dyld -o outdir -r / -c  (Mass-dumps almost everything on device)

Usage limitations

classdump-dyld works with Mach-o files only. Some files have protection against being dynamically loaded from a different process. In those cases, you can use weak_classdump or other tools.

by Elias Limneos


twitter: @limneos


classdump-dyld is Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Elias Limneos, licensed under GPLv3.


classdump-dyld works in a command line shell on any iOS 5+ device and Mac OS X. Tested from iOS 5.x to iOS 8.x and Mac OSX 10.8+.