linagora / tmail-backend

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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java jmap mail mailserver mda

Twake Mail Server

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This project adapts and enhance Apache James project with a goal to provide a complete, enterpriseready collaborative email solution adapted to the rest of the Linagora eco-system.

Team-mail relies on TeamMail Flutter as a frontend.

Team-mail is developed with love by Linagora.

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Additional features

Apache James extensions includes:

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Building the project

Read more... ### Manual building This projects uses git submodules to track the latest branch of [the Apache James project]( After cloning this repository, you need to init the `james-project` submodule: ``` git submodule init git submodule update ``` It is possible that the `james-project` submodule is not in its latest state as well. If you want the latest changes of the Apache James project, you can run as well: ``` git submodule update --remote ``` **Note**: Don't hesitate to push the latest state of the submodule in a commit if it was not up-to-date! Then you can compile both `apache/james-project` and `linagora/tmail-backend` together. ``` mvn clean install -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true ``` You can add the `-DskipTests` flag as well if you don't want to run the tests of the `apache/james-project`. ### Building with a local jenkins runner You can use a custom local jenkins runner with the `Jenkinsfile` at the root of this project to build the project. This will automatically do for you: * checkout and compile latest code of Apache James project alongside `tmail-backend` * generate docker images for `memory` and `distributed` flavors of the project * launch unit, integration and deployment tests on `tmail-backend` To launch it you need to have docker installed. From the root of this project, you can build the Jenkins runner locally yourself: ``` docker build -t local-jenkins-runner dockerfiles/jenkins-runner ``` And then you need to launch it with the Jenkinsfile: ``` docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $(pwd)/dockerfiles/jenkins-runner/Jenkinsfile:/workspace/Jenkinsfile local-jenkins-runner ``` If you don't want the build to redownload everytime all the maven dependencies (it can be heavy) you can mount your local maven repository as a volume by adding `-v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2` to the above command.


What would your roadmap look like?

Read more... By the end of 2023 we expect to add the following extensions: - Provide Archiving and automated actions - Provide a JMAP extension for thumbnails - Download all attachments at once

Your work is awesome! I would like to help you. What can I do?

Read more... Thanks for the enthousiasm! There are many ways to help us, and amongst them: - **Spread the word**: Tell people you like **Team Mail**, on social medias, via blog posts etc... - **Give us feedbacks**... It's hard to make all good decisions from the first time. It is very likely we can benefit from *your* experience. Did you encountered annoying bugs? Do you think we are missing some features critical to you? Tell us in the [issues]( - I can code! **I wanna help ;-)**. Wow thanks! Let's discuss your project together in the [issues]( to get you on track!