linan7788626 / Arc_Finding_CNN

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idl version of lens galaxy simulation #8

Closed WentaoLuo closed 8 years ago

WentaoLuo commented 8 years ago

The idl version of lens galaxy simulation is ready now. Please feel free to curse that idl version of code.

WentaoLuo commented 8 years ago

It is under the directory of images.

WentaoLuo commented 8 years ago


I am thinking that if you convert the CCD value into magnitude, then the image must look strange due to the fact that the brighter pixels has smaller mag values. Is that the requirement of ray-tracing code?

Why don't just work on CCD pixel value? Yes, of course I will add a function to "".

linan7788626 commented 8 years ago

Do not worry about that, after ray-tracing, we will convert magnitude to number counting, so the final images are with “reasonable” values then. The reason we use magnitude is that it is universal for different telescopes and observations, if we use CCD pixel Values, we have to be very careful about the zero point , pixelization, exposure time, and so on. So I prefer to use magnitude.

—— Nan Li Postdoctoral Fellow University of Chicago & Argonne National Lab

On Feb 2, 2016, at 1:21 PM, Wentao Luo wrote:


I am thinking that if you convert the CCD value into magnitude, then the image must look strange due to the fact that the brighter pixels has smaller mag values. Is that the requirement of ray-tracing code?

Why don't just work on CCD pixel value? Yes, of course I will add a function to "".

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

WentaoLuo commented 8 years ago

I have update and push the new conversion function. It can: 1, convert cosmos ccd value in unit of electron/sec to ccd counts in sdss 2, sdss ccd counts to Pogson Magnitude 3, Pogson Magnitude to sdss ccd counts

WentaoLuo commented 8 years ago

10times_ccd_value_sdss_noise If we arbitrarily magnify the sdss ccd value converted from cosmos ccd given a Poisson noise with SDSS variance. Then it looks like above.

WentaoLuo commented 8 years ago


5 times sdss CCD value converted from cosmos with sdss sky variance.

WentaoLuo commented 8 years ago

Alas, SDSS does not have such deep observation and highly resolved CCD.

WentaoLuo commented 8 years ago

The zero point of ACS F814W is 26.786 and no airmass and atmospheric extinction kk, while SDSS zeropoint is 24.148. I we set magnitude to be the same as in SDSS observation, the counts from ACS CCD have to be multiplied by a factor of 100. Problem solved guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WentaoLuo commented 8 years ago

But the question now it is getting too bright. Still something need to be corrected.

WentaoLuo commented 8 years ago

Sorry, SDSS zero point is in AB magnitude and zero point of F814W in AB is 25.523. So again, problem solved.

WentaoLuo commented 8 years ago


See the updated figure. More reasonable.

linan7788626 commented 8 years ago

good job man, I will merge them into the pipeline. thanks.

WentaoLuo commented 8 years ago


With color bar.

WentaoLuo commented 8 years ago

Thanks. We could proceed.

WentaoLuo commented 8 years ago

the figure above, I include softbias, noise and galaxy.

WentaoLuo commented 8 years ago


I have pushed the conversion functions, please tell me those function are enough for your next work.



linan7788626 commented 8 years ago

Thanks wentao, I will check it today, and will close this issue, if it works. :-)

WentaoLuo commented 8 years ago

I thought we wanted to unify all the units, so I took SDSS zeropoint but have cosmos ccd count/second. That makes sense if we want to make the mag meaningful as far as I understand.

WentaoLuo commented 8 years ago

I have pushed the modified conversion functions. Cheers,


linan7788626 commented 8 years ago

Thanks Wentao.

linan7788626 commented 8 years ago

Done, I will close it.