linemanjs / lineman

Lineman helps you build fat-client JavaScript apps. It produces happiness by building assets, mocking servers, running specs on every file change
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lineman run fails after using grunt-exec #376

Closed ghost closed 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago


As it will be shown below, all is well until a task that uses grunt-exec is executed; the same happened with shelljs. Once a command shell is used to issue an external command, lineman gets into a strange state preventing it form performing its basic work.


module.exports = function(lineman) {
        ... removed for brevity
        fetcher: {
            recipeRepo: ""
module.exports = function(grunt) {
      exec: {
         'angular': 'lineman fetch "angular"',
         'angular-bootstrap': 'lineman fetch "angular-bootstrap"'
   grunt.registerTask('dl-fetch', ['exec']);
$ lineman run
Running "common" task

Running "ngtemplates:app" (ngtemplates) task
File generated/angular/template-cache.js created.

... omitted for brevity

Running "watch" task
$ lineman grunt dl-fetch
Running "exec:angular" (exec) task
Fetching recipes from ''...
Downloading ''...

... omitted for brevity
Successfully installed 'angular-bootstrap'.


$ lineman run
Running "common" task

>> No "ngtemplates" targets found.
Warning: Task "ngtemplates" failed. Used --force, continuing.

... omitted for brevity

Running "watch" task
Verifying property watch exists in config...ERROR
>> Unable to process task.
Warning: Required config property "watch" missing. Used --force, continuing.

Done, but with warnings.


The lineman run, and all other lineman functionality, should work after running lineman grunt dl-fetch

ghost commented 8 years ago


After debugging the problem, I learned that the undesired symptoms are only when the dl-fetcher.js file is present! The root-cause, it is the following code snippet in dl-fetcher.js:

        exec: {
            'angular': 'lineman fetch "angular"',
            'angular-bootstrap': 'lineman fetch "angular-bootstrap"'

It totally resets the whole lineman configuration! OUCH! The solution was to declare the exec object in applications.js:

       . . . 
        exec: {
            'angular': 'lineman fetch "angular"',
            'angular-bootstrap': 'lineman fetch "angular-bootstrap"',
            'underscore': 'lineman fetch "underscore"'
        . . . 

This was an excellent exercise, I know fully understand how to write grunt tasks for lineman!

Sorry for taking up space here. On the other hand, writing this helped me figure out the solution. I also hope that folks who read it might learn from it.

searls commented 8 years ago

Hey we don't mind you working in the open. It might help someone else in the future. Glad it worked out. On Sat, Sep 12, 2015 at 16:56 Rodrigo Silveira wrote:

Closed #376

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