linemanjs / lineman

Lineman helps you build fat-client JavaScript apps. It produces happiness by building assets, mocking servers, running specs on every file change
MIT License
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A document improvement suggestion #377

Open ghost opened 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

I suggest you consider

prependTasks: {
            common: ["task-1"].concat(app.prependTasks.common)
        appendTasks: {
            common: ["task2"].concat(app.appendTasks.common)
searls commented 8 years ago

Can you point me to the exact wording or send a PR to explain? I'm looking at and it seems to explicitly call out config/application.js

davemo commented 8 years ago

Also, if you have suggestions our documentation is open source as well and would love PR's, it's here @dematic-rodrigo-silveira :)

ghost commented 8 years ago

Including a suggestion on how to document the custom tasks section. You will notice that I took a different approach, by including the examples right at the text, which differs from the web-site approach, which has references to the examples; the web-site approach is fine and you could easily do the same the suggestion herein.

Adding Custom Tasks


Lineman can easily be extended to do extra grunt-work for your application above-and-beyond the built-in grunt tasks. Lineman provides a folder for you to include custom tasks, tasks. Lineman will automatically require all files in the tasks directory and load them into Grunt.

Below is a very simple custom task sample code for a task that fetches application libraries.

The task

Place this task in the tasks folder.

module.exports = function(grunt) {
    grunt.registerTask('install-libs', ['clean', 'exec']);

Note that:

The task configuration

Use the application.js file, found in the configuration folder, to configure the install-libs task.

module.exports = function(lineman) {
    var app = lineman.config.application;

    //Override application configuration here. Common examples follow in the comments.
    return {
        // code not included from brevity

        // Configure the node modules used by your task, grunt-contrib-clean and grunt-exec
        loadNpmTasks: lineman.config.application.loadNpmTasks.concat('grunt-contrib-clean', 'grunt-exec'),

        // Configuration for the grunt-exec module to loade the backbone, bootstrap, and jquery2
        exec: {
            //grunt-exec tasks to load the libraries
            'backbone': 'lineman fetch "backbone"',
            'jquery2': 'lineman fetch "jquery2"'

        // code not included from brevity
Running The Task
From Command Line

Once they're loaded, you can manually run the task from the command line using lineman grunt (which just delegates through to grunt):

$ lineman grunt install-libraries
As Part Of Your Workflow

But you're probably more interested in adding the custom task to run along with the other tasks in lineman run and/or lineman build. You can add any task to these commands by adding it to the appropriate array under the appendTasks object in config/application.js:

module.exports = function(lineman) {
    var app = lineman.config.application;

    //Override application configuration here. Common examples follow in the comments.
    return {
        // code not included from brevity

        // Configure where to run the install-libraries task in your workflow
        prependTasks: {
            // Note that the task is being concatenated into the already configured common tasks
            common: app.prependTasks.common.concat(["install-libraries"])

            // This is incorrect and would overwrite the already configured common tasks
            // common:["install-libraries"]

        // code not included from brevity
Additional Workflow Considerations

Lineman has three default workflow tasks:

Lineman offers you a mechanism to insert your custom tasks before and after each of its default tasks:

  prependTasks: {
    common: ["A"],
    dev: ["B"],
    dist: ["C"]
  appendTasks: {
    common: ["D"],
    dev: ["E"],
    dist: ["F"]

In the above example, tasks "A" & "D" would run during both lineman run and lineman build. Meanwhile, "B" & "E" would run only during lineman run, while "C" & "F" would only run during lineman build.

Tasks specified under prependTasks way will be run before Lineman's built-in tasks for the corresponding phase, while tasks specified under appendTasks will run immediately afterward. For reference, check out Lineman's default configuration.

If you need more fine-grained control—say you want to replace or remove a default task—you can use custom JavaScript in your application config file to edit the appropriate array directly; here's an example of removing a task from the Ember.js template.